Well, I've had a 3806 for a couple weeks now, after selling my Rotel separates on Ebay so I could change out the two channel for home theater.
I'll start out with positive stuff
The Denon makes sense to work with as far as the menue goes, and really isn't to bad to work with, lots of options and capability. It doesn't get too warm which I like. I had ordered an Onkyo NR901 which is relatively comperable to the Denon spec wise, but it got really really HOT, so I took it back and got the Denon.
On the other hand. . .
Sound quality is way below the Rotel stuff. Not all of that is due to the Denon though, In changing out my old system, I also got rid of my $700 Rotel CD player, which I now think really kicked ***--hind sight is 20/20. I have lost alot of "impact" though, which I do contribute to the Denon having not as ballsy of an amplifier section. I will probably also look into getting another quality CD player instead of the generic Sony that I have now.
I may try and find some more lively speakers to match to the Denon to replace my PSB Century 600s, which sounded excellent with the separates.
So, to sum up, The Denon seems like a quality built receiver and it seems to do everything pretty well, but as is probably true with most receivers, it seems like it sacrafices some on musical quality compared to a dedicated system.
I would definitely recommend this receiver to others setting up a home theater. I think that compared to other receivers, it has got to be on the better end of the scale as it just seems to have a very quality build, not bad musical sound (regardless of the above comparison), great movie sound, and easy to work with.