Saw them last night and thoroughly enjoyed it! Sitting in row 6, I was a bit concerned about my hearing, but the ringing has subsided now.

I know DP isn't everyone's cup o' tea, but you can't deny that they are fantastic musicians. Ian Gillan's vocal cords have not aged well and he strained quite a bit - to the point where I thought he might cr*p himself, but the chops of the instrumentalists is second-to-none. Lyrics were never their strong suit, but the music is top drawer, IMHO. Steve Morse is a most worthy succesor to Ritchie Blackmore, as Don Airey is for Jon Lord. Ian Paice's drumwork was spot on and Roger Glover's bass-work was excellent, as expected and he looked like he was really enjoying himself on stage. For such old codgers, the performance was very impressive.