I get what you're saying, but if you're on discussion forum and there's a thread about a particular movie... I think it's safe to say and assume that people are likely discussing it. I mean how many posts can there be about "R U Going to see it vs not see it"
You've obviously not spent more than 5 minutes at AVS bd software forum.
I don't know how much info there is to gleam in the absense of discussion about the actual movie.
You've never traded recommendations and discussions on books, or movies, without spoiling it? You simply say yes or no? That's rather boring and uninformative.
That's all I'm saying. Maybe each of the individual movie threads should have a poll attached for the kind of info that many just want to know without hearing about the movie. I think that would be better. You could open the thread, see the poll results, but don't have to read the actual discussion about the movie which could ruin your experience.
The poll could have general things like:
That sort of things.
You can make comparisons to other movies, whether in style, genre, quality of acting, quality of cinematography, etc, without having to spoil the PLOT. For instance, I can say that I'm not a big fan of Requiem for a Dream, because I think its an over-sensationalized and over-stylized rip-off of better done tragedies such as Long Day's Journey Into Night. Im out of time here, but that is at least a bit more informative than a simple thumbs down. From there I could give my opinons on certain actors' performances, cinematography, soundtrack, picture quality, sound quality, pacing, many, many other things, without having to spoil the plot for you.
Maybe you don't care to glean such things. I do. I find these threads fun to read, and informative in helping me choose where to spend time and money. I've spent enough time here that I know of certain persons who I would trust more for subjective opinions of both content and transfer quality.
Is it really that difficult for you to imagine that this type of forum can be a helpful tool in such a manner to someone like me?
See you next week, unless I can find my way to a computer again!