Well, he should know what to do after tomorrow. Maybe there will be prescribed antibiotic drops, maybe not, most likely some refreshing drops (not water) so that quicker healing can be accommodated, or who knows.
When working (assuming on computer), get up every so often (more often than you likely do), to rest your eyes. There is a second benefit, and that is when you move around, your increased blood rate is actually good for the healing of your eyes.
Probably the scariest thing that happened to me with my eye was playing HS basketball. I was all up in some taller player's grill when guarding him, he swivels the ball hard and fast ala Karl Malone, and the elbow got me flush in the eye. All I saw was black out of it at first, a few minutes later I can see but it's all dark/shadowy. I was fine not long after, but the optometrists always ask about what kind of trauma I've had when they inspect my eyes, as the physical damage is still apparent to them . . . and so I've told the story about the basketball elbow at least a few times . . .