Crying, bawling during movies



Audioholic Warlord
Schindler's List - although it is a B & W movie, there is one item that appears in colour. I won't say what it is, in consideration for anyone who hasn't seen the movie. I saw the movie just once, when it was first released in theatres, but I will never forget it.

Glory, of course. That was very moving.

One of the scenes where Pvt. Ryan is older and is at Arlington got me a bit.
That was in Normandy, not Arlington. And yes, that scene got me as well.:eek: I once toured through the Normandy area and visited the landing beaches. I also visited some of the war cemeteries. Ironically, it was a German cemetery that moved me the most. Very sombre and subdued, several bodies per grave and gray stone grave markers - as opposed to the white markers at Allied cemeteries. It was quite "gothic" in appearance - almost haunting.


Audioholic Samurai
It's hard to be anything but teary through most of The Road, possibly the most depressing movie ever made. You'd have to be completely stone hearted to not get moist at the end.
The Road is definitely the most depressing book I've ever read. Haven't seen the movie, and not sure if I want to given how the book is.


According to Man Law these are the only instances a man is permitted to cry;):

2: It is OK for a man to cry ONLY under the following Circumstances: (a) When a heroic dog dies to save its master. (b) The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her Blouse. (c) After wrecking your boss's car. (d) When she is using her teeth.

Referenced here:
When a pet dies.

I hated the movie, but when they had to put down the dog in "Marley & Me", I about lost it. Of course I saw the movie not long after I had to put down one of my own pets.

I have a soft spot for animals. Don't give a crap about humans, though. :p


Audioholic Slumlord
"Immortal Beloved" ..a director's take on Beethoven's Life


Audioholic Intern
A few that always get me have already been listed, but I added one more.

1. Brian's Song (original)
2. American History X
3. Life is Beautiful
4. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
5. Old School (when Blue dies, jk ;) )



Audioholic Field Marshall
The Road is definitely the most depressing book I've ever read. Haven't seen the movie, and not sure if I want to given how the book is.
I have not read the book, your reaction to the book sounds similar to my reaction to the movie. I recommend it but I don't know that I could watch it again.


Senior Audioholic
This is actually almost embarrassing, but the first movie I remember having an emotional breakdown occur (outside of Old Yeller, of course) was in Silent Running when the one robot was sacrificed (I forget the reason). In retrospect I was a bit ill at the time, they diagnosed me a few days later with gastroenteritis, and IIRC walking pneumonia. It was a sad few days for me (oh, and I was like maybe 10 or 12).


Yes to Old Yeller............... most who read this won't know this movie ;)

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