Schindler's List - although it is a B & W movie, there is
one item that appears in colour. I won't say what it is, in consideration for anyone who hasn't seen the movie. I saw the movie just once, when it was first released in theatres, but I will never forget it.
Glory, of course. That was very moving.
One of the scenes where Pvt. Ryan is older and is at Arlington got me a bit.
That was in Normandy, not Arlington. And yes, that scene got me as well.

I once toured through the Normandy area and visited the landing beaches. I also visited some of the war cemeteries. Ironically, it was a German cemetery that moved me the most. Very sombre and subdued, several bodies per grave and gray stone grave markers - as opposed to the white markers at Allied cemeteries. It was quite "gothic" in appearance - almost haunting.