If I didn't believe it I wouldn't say it, I stand by my convictions. Higher education has convinced so many young people today that their country is some kind of a monster to be loathed. Pride in your country is viewed as narrow minded and politically incorrect, you can lay the blame for that on "higher education" and those that run the system. Tell me what do we owe Europe? Two world wars, communism, socialism, VietNam (the French), all our debts have been paid over and over in blood. I'm not puzzled that you read my post with trepidation, afterall, as you said you received higher education and you're apalled at my pride in America, how brash and uncaring of me to have a deep love for my country, at the expense of whom? You should come down to Miami, see what the Cuban folk have gone through, the one's I know are completely taken aback by the attitude of young Americans (some not all) and the lack of respect and honor towards their country. And to those that say Amercica owes respect, we've more than earned it. We as a nation feed more, take in more, pay out more than anyone else. Convince me I'm wrong. When it comes to my country, political correctness can go to hell. We as taxpaying citizens have the right to criticize politicians of any stripe, but to put down or marginalize your homeland in order not offend, that in my book is utter stupidity. This country has a long history of kindness and self-sacrifice that has yet to be equaled by any other nation in modern times, once they do they should be honored.