

Audioholic Warlord
@John Parks – Where do I begin?

First and foremost, you have repeatedly posted about Peter McCullough. A number of posters here, including myself, have responded, saying that McCullough is wrong, and that what he says and publishes can easily be taken by motivated right-wing anti-vaxxers as misinformation. You have deliberately repeated his misinformation here more than once or twice. Quit posting misinformation! It's not about politics or freedom of speech, it's a matter of life or death.

You mentioned McCullough's extensive list of publications as qualifications on the subject of viral infectious diseases – without providing such a list. You did provide a link to one publication, so I read it.

This paper was accepted for publication in August 2020, and appeared in print January 2021. Vaccines had just become available in late December 2020. A few people, MDs, Nurses, and other hospital staff, had just begun to receive their first doses. (I wonder if McCullough is vaccinated. I can't imagine that he could practice medicine of any kind without it.)

Not surprisingly, this paper has nothing at all to say about vaccination. Instead, it touts the so-called anti-viral medications of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) combined with the antibiotic azithromycin. The use of HCQ with or without azithromycin was already debunked by that time. The original French paper describing it's use cited results from a small handful of patients. It didn't stand up to scientific scrutiny, and more importantly, when tested in a properly designed clinical trial, the trial was stopped early because those drugs were inactive as a Covid-19 treatment. That entire paper is little more than an editorial disguised as a recommended treatment protocol – without any patient data. It says a lot about the poor quality of papers published by The American Journal of Medicine.

Reading that made me wonder what McCullough has published on the subject of coronavirus, or on anything. So, I Googled his Curriculum Vitae (CV, also known as resume).
https://lcaction.org/Site Images/Resources/DrPeterMcCullough-cv.pdf

From his CV, McCullough clearly knows what a properly designed clinical trial is. He's been involved in a number of them. But despite knowing better, he spouts off about anti-virus treatments that do not work.

The CV is very long, so I searched for any mention of the word 'virus'. I found 6 hits among 5 publications. (See pp 115, 118, 119, 120.) He may be an accomplished expert on treating cardiac and kidney diseases, but none of those titles made me think this guy is an expert on treating viral infectious diseases. But he is an expert at pounding his own drums among the anti-vax death-cult crowd.

So, John Parks, cut it out. Why are you deliberately repeating this death-cult misinformation?
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Audioholic Ninja
Anyone order their free test kits yet? The Website was up Monday, so I have mine on the way.


Audioholic Samurai
This is somewhat interesting.

Stories were spreading like wildfire on social media back in 2020 about people (typically in Florida) who had supposedly signed up for a COVID test, left the line before having a sample taken, only to receive a test result a few days later indicating that they were positive even though no sample had ever been taken. The gist of these stories was that the number of infections was being greatly exaggerated. At the time I was not able to find a single documented case of this happening.

Now, the Minnesota Attorney General has sued a testing a company for failure to deliver test results or delivering test results that were false or inaccurate. What's interesting is that the example given in the msn report is the opposite of the rumors flying around on social media in 2020:

>>>The complaint includes several reports of people receiving test results without ever taking a test. One account alleges a person filled out the testing site’s online form Jan. 2 but left the site before getting tested since the line was too long. That night, the person received an email with the results of a rapid antigen test, which were negative.<<<

I have not read the entire complaint, so I don't know if there were alleged instances of false test results going the other way (i.e. positive results even though the test was never taken). It does strike me as odd that the false negative report listed in the complaint is so similar (other than "negative" rather than "positive") to the rumors flying around on social media in 2020 (provided the news report accurately describes the complaint).

John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
@John Parks – Where do I begin?

First and foremost, you have repeatedly posted about Peter McCullough. A number of posters here, including myself, have responded, saying that McCullough is wrong, and that what he says and publishes can easily be taken by motivated right-wing anti-vaxxers as misinformation. You have deliberately repeated his misinformation here more than once or twice. Quit posting misinformation! It's not about politics or freedom of speech, it's a matter of life or death.

You mentioned McCullough's extensive list of publications as qualifications on the subject of viral infectious diseases – without providing such a list. You did provide a link to one publication, so I read it.

This paper was accepted for publication in August 2020, and appeared in print January 2021. Vaccines had just become available in late December 2020. A few people, MDs, Nurses, and other hospital staff, had just begun to receive their first doses. (I wonder if McCullough is vaccinated. I can't imagine that he could practice medicine of any kind without it.)

Not surprisingly, this paper has nothing at all to say about vaccination. Instead, it touts the so-called anti-viral medications of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) combined with the antibiotic azithromycin. The use of HCQ with or without azithromycin was already debunked by that time. The original French paper describing it's use cited results from a small handful of patients. It didn't stand up to scientific scrutiny, and more importantly, when tested in a properly designed clinical trial, the trial was stopped early because those drugs were inactive as a Covid-19 treatment. That entire paper is little more than an editorial disguised as a recommended treatment protocol – without any patient data. It says a lot about the poor quality of papers published by The American Journal of Medicine.

Reading that made me wonder what McCullough has published on the subject of coronavirus, or on anything. So, I Googled his Curriculum Vitae (CV, also known as resume).
https://lcaction.org/Site Images/Resources/DrPeterMcCullough-cv.pdf

From his CV, McCullough clearly knows what a properly designed clinical trial is. He's been involved in a number of them. But despite knowing better, he spouts off about anti-virus treatments that do not work.

The CV is very long, so I searched for any mention of the word 'virus'. I found 6 hits among 5 publications. (See pp 115, 118, 119, 120.) He may be an accomplished expert on treating cardiology and kidney diseases, but none of those titles made me think this guy is an expert on treating viral infectious diseases. But he is pounding his own drums among the anti-vax death-cult crowd.

So, John Parks, cut it out. Why are you deliberately repeating this death-cult misinformation?
"death-cult"? Whoa, that really got me thinking for a moment... Aaand, the moment is gone. You know what is death-cult behavior? Better mask up or you're going to... die. Better social distance, isolate and lock down or you're going to... die. Better get that jab or you're going to, you guessed it, die. 370 pages, 7,388 posts (minus ones by the few dissenters and "misinformationists") of death for something that, for the vast majority of the population, is a minor irritant. Heck that's not enough, let's open another thread so we can make fun of and celebrate the "anti-vaxxers" that died! Death cult? You're living in one. "Got your jab? I got two! Ooh, got my third! Wait, that didn't work - the fourth is coming out in March. Can't wait! Mandate me harder daddy!" Why is that the "vaccinated" are the ones that live in fear?

No, I am about living my life and protecting my family so they can do the same. That is why I post from free living advocates like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone amongst others. Not once have I heard them talk about death other than how to prevent it. Yes, be prepared. Yes, be aware and be careful and at the same time be free to live your life. Doesn't sound very cult-like to me. But hey, that's dangerous talk...


Audioholic General
Mexican broadcaster has strong feelings about anti maskers. This version is not subtitled.
It starts off slow but yelling starts at 3.10

John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
Now this is a very fair rebuttal of Rogan, McCullough, Malone et al.

Hint: if you want to have a proper discussion on the pros and cons of hitchhiking (a little Waters reference) without name calling, denigration, hyperbole, relying on "fact check" sites, quoting hit pieces from obviously biased magazines etc., this may be a good way to go about it.


Audioholic Samurai
That is why I post from free living advocates like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone amongst others. Not once have I heard them talk about death other than how to prevent it.
You don't have to look very far if you want to hear Dr McCullough talk about death. From the link I posted earlier:

>>>In the half-hour video interview with WND (embedded below), McCullough also discussed . . . The lethality of the mRNA vaccines<<<

But, again, I prefer facts:

"There is no increased risk for mortality among COVID-19 vaccine recipients."



Audioholic Samurai
No, I am about living my life and protecting my family so they can do the same. That is why I post from free living advocates like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone amongst others. Not once have I heard them talk about death other than how to prevent it.
And here's Dr. Malone talking about death from vaccines. At about 20 seconds into the video he says: "more children will die from these vaccines than will be saved."

This isn't an exhaustive list. I just did a quick google search.

Notice he's not citing historical facts?
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Audioholic Spartan
Now this is a very fair rebuttal of Rogan, McCullough, Malone et al.

Hint: if you want to have a proper discussion on the pros and cons of hitchhiking (a little Waters reference) without name calling, denigration, hyperbole, relying on "fact check" sites, quoting hit pieces from obviously biased magazines etc., this may be a good way to go about it.
The fact checks sites are very useful to combat disinformation that is spread around by people like you, and your actions are causing real damage to peoples health, including death.

Several of the posters here even spend much effort to rebut your repeated posts of disinformation. Doing that takes much time, so yes, fact check sites are very handy for a quick rebuttal. I don't for a moment think that this will convince you that facts matters, but there are others reading this thread and the rebuttals are mostly for them.

@Danzilla31 called the rebuttals for "gatekeeping" that should stop so that in effect people can be free to spread disinformation causing deaths or other serious health issues. As you guess, I disagree, and think that you and several others should be banned from posting more in this thread.


Audioholic Samurai
And you internet randos have done what exactly? This is just a short bio on what Dr. McCullough has been doing since the 'demic. He is also the most published doctor in his field in history.
What I haven't done is deny facts and science and tell people that the vaccine is deadly or ineffective OR push ineffective "treatments". So, there's that.

I personally don't give a rat's ass if he's the most published doctor in his field when it comes to this discussion as he's shown a blatant disregard for basing his ideas off actual information and/or clinical studies.

HINT: If you haven't figured it out yet, posts with McCullough as your source won't be taken seriously or at all. You actually would have been better off posting that unherd article first and then positing your thoughts/comments on it.

Better get that jab or you're going to, you guessed it, die. 370 pages, 7,388 posts (minus ones by the few dissenters and "misinformationists") of death for something that, for the vast majority of the population, is a minor irritant.

No, I am about living my life and protecting my family so they can do the same.
I LOVE how you put misinformationists in quotes as if that's something being made up. :rolleyes: I'm sorry you're all bent out of shape that Joe Rogan and Dr. McCullough aren't taken seriously by people here because they are in fact for the most part misinformationists.

"Got your jab? I got two! Ooh, got my third! Wait, that didn't work - the fourth is coming out in March. Can't wait! Mandate me harder daddy!" Why is that the "vaccinated" are the ones that live in fear?
So if getting vaccinated takes your chance of dying from 1-2% down to 0.05% isn't that worth it? That's a 20-40 fold reduction in your chance of dying, all from something that is less of an irritant than the disease it's protecting you against. I just look at it as doing the most I can to give myself the best chance if/when I get it.

Also, you put quotes in weird places...
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Audioholic Samurai
BTW, I have no idea what you mean when you say free living advocates. When I search for that I find lots of sites talking about helping the homeless find housing, and also debt-free living advocates, plastic-free living advocates, and my favorite: chemical-free living advocates.


Seriously, I have no life.
Yes, should have been more specific. And certainly, dump the cloth ones and the bandanas
And gaiters, rags, etc. I use the ones sold at Menard's in the safety equipment section- they have multiple layers with a foam gasket for the nose and they seal very well. Not terrible when working hard, but not great- they definitely restrict air flow.


Covid has made it into my home with my kid coming down with it even though vaccinated.

My opinion is that we need to move on from 'emergency pandemic' to 'yearly endemic'. Covid is going to mutate and vaccines will need to adapt with it.

I've no other answer than human kind will simply just have to deal with it. That's the point I'm at now. Something will eventually kill me. On a long enough time line mortality is 100%.


Audioholic General
And gaiters, rags, etc. I use the ones sold at Menard's in the safety equipment section- they have multiple layers with a foam gasket for the nose and they seal very well. Not terrible when working hard, but not great- they definitely restrict air flow.
Unfortunately, we don't have Menards in the NorthEast. I had a stockpile of N95s I had from Home Depot for sanding work that I gave to the family.

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