Hi TLS Guy, i found the thread and I would like to comment on my design.
TABAQ is a straight pipe with two sections, with the last part having a much smaller cross section.
Distribution of stuffing is calculated by the use of MJK´s spreadsheet.
The unwanted HF output from the driver is tamed by stuffing and the location of the driver in the pipe.
The large volume of the cabinet is to increase the wanted bass output from the opening.
TABAQ is performing very well with the 3" driver. I have, however, replaced the driver with a TB 4" for more SPL.
I have made a foldet book shelf version, called TABAQ BOX and is about to build a prototype of TABAQ MICRO with TB 2" ! Not hi-fi but fun-fi.
TABAQ is not ment to be a high end solution, but a simple design with good SAF, low cost, no "boom bass". The result is not bad at all
Hope this cleared up things a bit.
Build it and have fun !
Hi from Wonderful Copenhagen