Computer VGA out to component in on Sony HDTV?



Junior Audioholic
Joys of computers and HD TV's!!

Hope Ive posted this in the right forum..

Trying to get to the bottom of what I can do for connecting my computer to a Sony KVHX32M31 with my particular circumstances.

First obstacle - the computer is in a different room from the TV, has a monitor (Sony 19' G420) as its primary output, and I’ve got a 7 metre run of cable to deal with. This is not a dedicated HT PC, its use in this application is as a PVR playing the captured programs from an Ultraview HD DVB-T Plus back to my HT/TV.

At the moment I’ve got a trial setup with a VGA/DVI converter connected to the 2nd output on my Radeon 9700 video card going to a D15HD VGA cable that has 5 BNC plugs on the other end of it.
To this I’ve attached female RCA adaptors, then have 5 x 10 metre RCA leads running to the TV connecting to the G/B/R/HD/VD inputs of the Sony KVHX32M31 that I have.

Running the newest ATI .Net Cat Control Centre and drivers, picture is exceptional on the TV (sends me silly looking at the monitor) at 1280 x 720p though I'm suffering overscan issues with both vertical (height of an icon at the top, and the whole taskbar at the bottom of screen) and horizontal (the width of the start button).
This I understand I can rectify with Powerstrip with some trial and error.

I’ve come across a VGA - RCA VGA Video lead and am wondering if it will supply a picture via component input to my TV?????

BIG Benefits - 3 x 10 metre leads (actually 1x10m component lead) instead of 5 (component plus a double RCA lead) and I can plug the output into my receiver (Yamaha RX-V2500) and let it do the video switching. As I'm sure many of you kow, this receiver is capable of switching 720p/1080i HD signals - it already controls my Hotchip HDSTB and DVD Player that are connected into the receiver via component connections.

If this scenario isn’t going to work, and I HAVE to use the current setup and I cant use my receiver to switch signals - rather than me running 5 x 10m quality RCA leads, will I suffer signal quality loss running a 10 metre VGA - VGA lead from the Video card, then attach the VGA - BNC lead with male RCA adaptors at the TV end??

On a side note, last night after doing some experimentation with the TV output, I turned the TV off though left it connected to my video card, returned my screen res back to my usual 1280x1024 and 100Hz refresh and watched a bit of the Tennis on my PC being broadcast in 1080i. Rapid movement by the players was developing alot of pixilation/ghosting in playback in either fullscreen or a 1024x768 window on my computer monitor.
I don’t believe that this was an issue prior to me connecting the TV output via the DVI plug on the video card. I experimented with changing the decoder type from Zulu DxVA to the Zulu HDTV Video Decoder with 1080i Quality Mode set to highest, and only got a slight improvement over the DxVA driver. My computer is a P4 3.5GHz with 1Gb RAM. Previous to playing with the TV output, I never noted a difference to changing the driver - both provided perfect picture.
Am I hammering the Radeon asking for the Dual output and it just can’t keep up? Running out of bandwidth on the FSB? Radeon is set at 8xAGP Fastwrites etc enabled.

Appreciate any feedback and help with my predicament!

If someone has my scenario working and has the Sony TV I’ve got, I'd love your powerstrip and res timings!


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