I do love digital - all my movies, TV shows, and music are on computer files and I use HTPC for movies, TV shows, Blu-ray concerts. I stream music from my phone to my pre-pro via MusicCast. So I don't use any hard copy of anything these days.
But as for putting amps, DSPs, EQ in speakers, it comes down to several simple things.
1. Can you prove that the sound is actually BETTER? If not why change?
2. Can you keep the cost down?
3. Can you make it simple to replace the electronics in the speakers if the electronics become defective so that you don't have to ship a 200LB speaker for repair?
But the salient question is #1 - can you prove that the sound is actually better? Otherwise, it's a moot point
And besides, a lot of guys want to look at their pretty amps! You take their pretty amps away, and that's just one less fun thing for them! This is a hobby for FUN.