Complete Moron in need of help



Audioholic Overlord
Agreed. 10-15K will get you a system that will make many on this forum jealous (If you do your homework, i.e. questioning and auditioning).
Yes, but if you get a Bose we won't be quite as jealous.;)


Audioholic Ninja
HT room

I recommend you let the contractor do the wiring and construction and pick out the speakers and electronics yourself. Even the wiring is not that hard if you don't mind getting your hands dirty. All you need is a drill and a cable snake. You will have a much better understanding of the equipment, how it works, and how to use it and save a lot of money.

This site is great for A/V info and is another good site for front PJ reviews. Check out the JVC 1080p front projectors in your price range.

Some of the manufacturers of acoustic treatments will model/design the room for you and recommend which pannels to purchase. This will also give you much better results than the average installer. Check out some of the articles on this site.


Audioholic Jedi
No clear idea of scope yet

I think you are seeking an above average system. I do not have a clear idea of the scope of it. Are you intending to completely rebuild the room or not? If you are 15K is not realistic.

If you are intending to just wire the existing room and furnish it that is a different matter.

I think you are leaning towards a projection system. Not a bad idea if it is a windowless basement room.

I would start by picking out your speakers and video system.

In your price range, I recommend people audition speakers from manufacturers that can build products for the professional monitor market. Usually, but not always, their expertise filters down to their more cost effective offerings.

I would make a strong recommendation for you to audition the B & W 684 theater system.

For a projection system, I think Epson have a reputation for providing good value for money.|630523020&gclid=CN_82uaB6o8CFSIZWQodZQ2DEQ

I would certainly consider an acoustically transparent screen, then you can mount the center channel behind the screen. ClearPix2 are THX certified.

You can then choose a receiver from a well known manufacturer. I would aim for one than can deliver about 100 watts per channel. Select the one that has the facilities you want. For instance does it have enough HDMI inputs for all the peripherals you intend to purchase. Talking of HDMI inputs make sure they have true repeater architecture, otherwise newer equipment might not make a handshake with it especially cable boxes and HD DVRs. Also it is probably worth seeking out a receiver that has the latest HDMI 1.3 standard. That supports the new lossless Dolby and DTS codecs that have been developed for the new HD discs. Also if you are going to get an HD disc player, make sure your receiver can decode these new codecs, and you won't have to use Dolby 5.1 with the AC3 lossy codec.

If you are going to go the HD route, I think the HD DVD/Blue Ray battle will likely be decided this holiday season. The way I read the tea leaves, I think HD DVD is getting ready to run all over Blue Ray, but obviously I can't be certain. At the moment I'm still sitting this one out. However I think the recurring theme of "wrong pony Sony" will play out again.

I would recommend that you get an HD DVR that is compatible with your cable or satellite service.

Lighting is important, here professionals can guide you. Furniture needs to be smart and comfortable. I had sticker shock with that one.

One other thing, if you are going to take the walls down, and if funds permit that would be best. Then the walls can be replaced to proper specs. If the walls do come down, I would strongly recommend going to the trouble of putting in conduit for the cables. Then when technology changes, it is a very simple matter, and cheap, to change them.

Look at these pictures of my construct and you will see what I mean.

Finished product with all cables hidden.

I'm atypical, as a I roll my own speakers, I always have. I build some of the other gear as well.

There is a lot to think about and consider. Don't rush. Evaluate your options carefully. Properly done you, your family and invited guests will have some great evenings. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress.


Audioholic Warlord
A friend turned me onto a buddy and he seems real knowledgeable (and a real nice guy). He is steering me to the Bose Lifestyle 28 pretty hard. He says if movies and sports is all I really want then its the best bet. He also is high on the Sony VPLVW60 projector.
I bet this guy is into Toyota's also. :eek: I'd be surprised if he wasn't.

Some people are just uneducated, and don't wander to far off the beaten path. They follow the main stream, and believe it's the best, because everyone else does.

If you take your time, and have fun with this. You can put together a room that will blow yourself and other away.

There is so much information available to you (sometimes to much info :eek:) on the internet on audio forums like this one and others. Plus audio/video web-sites like

Tone Deaf

Junior Audioholic
Thanks to everyone. I really appreicate it. I have some work to do and will be in the stores in and around Boston this weekend listening and watching a bunch of different equipment.

Question: When I see a bunch of 'stuff' at the bottom of some posts am I correct in thinking that is the list of equipment used by the sender?

Happy T day.


Audioholic Spartan
Question: When I see a bunch of 'stuff' at the bottom of some posts am I correct in thinking that is the list of equipment used by the sender?
You are correct, sir.

Below my name, you will see how I discarded several paychecks.

Tone Deaf

Junior Audioholic
I can learn mandarin faster than figuring out what the hell you have written below your name. Thanks though.


Audioholic Overlord
I can learn mandarin faster than figuring out what the hell you have written below your name. Thanks though.
He has just basic, nice gear except for the FLEA (Which he will try to sale you at a later time;))


Audioholic Spartan
He has just basic, nice gear except for the FLEA (Which he will try to sale you at a later time;))
Ironic isn't it, that when I once offered it for sale, there was not a single bite on the Flea. :confused:

Anyway, my wife and I played with the processing options, did some on/off samples and some split screen samples and came to the conclusion that our picture was better with the Flea than without. So we did not return it in the 30 day return period...deliberately...because it works.

So far it's been great. I have it's 9 volt plugged into the receiver's switched outlet and it comes on and off with the receiver no problem. The other beauty of it is since my Denon only has 2 HDMI inputs, the Flea can be used as an HDMI switcher to add another component.

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