I am employed by someone wishing to set up an audio system, however, they are quite technologically impaired, and er, likes to spend money. They have thus far purchased:
a Bose Wave Radio I with CD Changer
a set of Bose 201 speakers
a set of speakers from the 3-2-1 Bose line, without the sub woofer.
They wish to play music from the Bose Wave to the other speakers, except the other speakers are non-self-powered, and the Wave doesn't push nearly enough power to run them. What I am looking for in advice is on what my steps should be to get these working together. I need a receiver or amplifier, however I don't want to advise them to purchase the wrong piece of hardware. I am looking at the Sony STR DH190, however my dilemma is in getting the 3-2-1 speakers to work with it. Are there adapters for the sub plug into into, say, a 2 prong RCA cable? Any advice appreciated! Thank you.