If you are going to pay them no matter what, your complaints are pointless. They do not care AT ALL if you are unhappy. ALL they care about is getting your money.
You have a choice. You don't have to have cable at all. But if you choose it, then you are to blame for your choice. NO ONE is forcing you to have cable. You do not have to get satellite either. Whatever you choose, YOU are responsible for YOUR choice.
You can bi†ch and moan about it to me, but that will accomplish nothing. You still pay to be irritated, and they do not care that you are irritated. Your money is just as good to them no matter how you feel about it. Paying to get screwed is, in my opinion, a bad idea. But you can choose that if you wish.
I expect that you will pointlessly lash out at me again. But I am not screwing you out of your money and irritating you while doing so. You should blame those who do, not those who point out the facts to you.