cleaning amplifier??



Junior Audioholic
Hi guys.. got a real old Kenwood amplifier that im currently using.. its 1990 model.. and its grimey inside.. not just dusty, but dust that is stuck...

best and cheapest way of cleaning the boards up???
Ive seen people bath the boards in tap water and soap!!!!!! looks nuts.. but im sure if you leave everything for long enough for adequate drying.. it works out just fine???

i dont want to go out and buy can after can of cleaner, and compressed air etc.. too costly..



Junior Audioholic
ahh niceee

So i could use tap water :D easy enough

and as for "non Phosphate" cleaner.. What would you recommend??



Audioholic Samurai
I prefer rubbing alcohol for cleaning most electronics. It dries much faster than water, so there's less chance of shorting when you reassemble the unit and power it on. Or you can also use Everclear, then pour yourself a shot when you get tired of scrubbing.
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Audioholic Ninja
Same. I usually use coffee filters + the highest percent isopropyl...then dust with compressed air. You can get pretty big bottles of the stuff at proper pharmacies.


Seriously, I have no life.
NEVER wet electronics with water conducts, solvents usually don't and you don't want anything conductive in there, even if you think it has dried fully. If you want to clean it, get a few cheap paint brushes and cut the bristles shorter, so they become stiff. Remove the cover and brush every surface, then use compressed air to blow the dust out. If it's stubborn, spray contact cleaner over it and repeat, with the brush. Once that's done, flood it and blot up the solvent with paper towels.

Use window cleaner on the face, rear and cover, but don't spray it on the receiver, spray it onto a paper towel before wiping.

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