They all distort but differently in many forms. My point is, when blindfold most people couldn't tell those distortions (0.05, 0.001, or 0.0001% of any distortions) apart.
How many times have you read a professional review that claims a $2000 amp such as the A21 that sounds as good or better than a $100,000 Boulder, Goldmund, or even the lower high end in the $10,000 range from McIntosh, Krell, Conrad Johnson, Pass Lab etc.? I have never come across one. Invariable they would praise the entry level high end A21 or Bryston SST2 to the nth degree and then would add something like, that is not to say it is as good as the $10,000.............., for example the $10,000 xyz amp just give you that extra bit of warmth, and that final touch of details in the highs, blablabla etc etc... Ever wonder why?
Yep I'm having fun too, fun is good.