CL3 rated in-wall wire rec?




I need some CL3 in-wall rated wire for new construction and was wondering if folks thought I should just go with the monster cable stuff (and if so which 14x2 option?) or is there a better/cheaper option



Seriously, I have no life.
jamie said:

I need some CL3 in-wall rated wire for new construction and was wondering if folks thought I should just go with the monster cable stuff (and if so which 14x2 option?) or is there a better/cheaper option


No, stay away from Monstercables. It is an aggressive company and think they own th erights to Monster and sue everyone in sight. Besides, their wires are overly expensive.
See if Home Depot, or a local electrical supply or electronics store has 14ga CL3.

By the way, read the article:
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Audioholic Warlord
Monster has some business practices which suck, but their product (typically) isn't horrible.

Their in-wall wire is the best I have seen for ease of use during installation though. It is a real stand out product in a sea of cheap (really cheap) counterparts.

500 feet for under 100 bucks of CL3 14/2:

I just bought 1000 feet and 500 feet of 16/2 and 16/4 respectively from these guys.

What makes the Monster cable better for prewire runs? Well, the quality of the cable is obviously not it since you could use 14 gauge electical wire and have similar results.

But, Monster wire is a fair amount more flexible than the competition. The cable installs and pulls through rough in openings easier than other brands. When it comes to terminating the wire to a speaker, the housing cuts clean and has a pull string inside that actually cuts the housing the way it is supposed to. Then the wire strips very clean, every time.

Is this worth a ton more money? No... But, it's worth 20 or 30 bucks more in my opinion to make the install go a little smoother and to save some time and headaches. The headaches alone may be worth a ton more money, but the Internet has definitely made reasonable pricing of cable available.


I've been looking at some in wall cable from Blue Jeans. They have 12/2 CL3 for 0.39/foot which seems very affordable in comparison to the 1.50/foot for 14/2 Monster Cable available at local HiFi dealer. Anybody use this stuff and care to comment?


Audioholic Warlord
starfish said:
I've been looking at some in wall cable from Blue Jeans. They have 12/2 CL3 for 0.39/foot which seems very affordable in comparison to the 1.50/foot for 14/2 Monster Cable available at local HiFi dealer. Anybody use this stuff and care to comment?
Starfish: You are comparing an online deal vs. a brick and mortar deal.

Click the link I provided and get some 14/2 Monster cable for less than 20 cents a foot. That's not saying Blue Jeans speaker cable is poor, but at least make it fair and show realistic comparison pricing. One of the real issues I have is that Monster Cable typically does not COST brick and mortar companies a lot more than other quality cables, they just charge more for it. Monster may support that, but it is the consumers and the stores that continue to allow it to happen.

I would never recommend someone buy something that is 3 times the price of the competition... But, Monster CL3 14/2 cable is available for about half the price of the 12/2 from Blue Jeans Cable. Now, does the Blue Jeans Cable pull, cut, and work as clean? I don't know... But, at twice the price it sure as heck better in my opinion.



been a while since I put any moves on a bmx...

but what do you think about the 14x2 vs 12x2?



Audioholic Warlord
It really depends on what you are looking to do with it all. I actually am using 16/2 and 16/4 wiring for my home and do not notice any problems. If I were to do a theater, I might strongly consider 12 gauge wiring, but if I have a lot of wire to run, as I do with my home, then ease of install and nice termination matters a lot.

It is a question of distance and power, but I would think that either will do nicely in most situations.


Seriously, I have no life.
Starfish: You are comparing an online deal vs. a brick and mortar deal.

Click the link I provided and get some 14/2 Monster cable for less than 20 cents a foot. That's not saying Blue Jeans speaker cable is poor, but at least make it fair and show realistic comparison pricing. One of the real issues I have is that Monster Cable typically does not COST brick and mortar companies a lot more than other quality cables, they just charge more for it. Monster may support that, but it is the consumers and the stores that continue to allow it to happen.

I would never recommend someone buy something that is 3 times the price of the competition... But, Monster CL3 14/2 cable is available for about half the price of the 12/2 from Blue Jeans Cable. Now, does the Blue Jeans Cable pull, cut, and work as clean? I don't know... But, at twice the price it sure as heck better in my opinion.
Is that $.20/ft for the whole 500ft? Or, any amount? What if he just doesn't need 500ft? but perhaps a hundred?

Why would I want to support a company even if they have good products if their business tactic is in the bottom of the barrell?


Audioholic Warlord
For the full 500 feet, though smaller quantities are available for similar pricing on eBay.

Whether you support or don't support Monster is up to you. I will buy from who makes top notch product as I am the one who has to live with it. This includes Belkin, Extron, Crestron, Canare, and the occasional Monster product which I would never - EVER - pay close to full price for any of it.


which I would never - EVER - pay close to full price for any of it.
Two things I hate most: 1) Made in China 2) Paying full retail

I too was just looking for about 150 feet of cable. I would rather buy just what I need at a higher cost per foot which still would be less than purchasing the whole 500 foot roll and having so much waste. I was just wondering the quality of the Blue Jeans cable. Their picture of it did not look too bad. I'm a salesman's worst nightmare, I'll keep shopping! :D


Audioholic Warlord
I've heard good thing about Blue Jeans cable so I imagine that you can't go wrong with it. It definitely is high quality stuff, but the ease of use I can't comment on since I've never used it. I have used Monster which is why I can say it is much better to use than any of the cheaper cables that I have used - more generic stuff.

As I said, look at eBay for pricing on whatever brand you go with. I strongly encourage this as wire is a pretty hard thing to make 'defective'.

100 feet of 14/2 Monster CIPRO cable. Current price: 7.5 cents a foot. There are a ton of others as well...


wall plates etc

hey there BMXer

wondering what source you are using for wall plates, banana plugs etc -

trying to do things on the cheap on this end

also, you mentioned that you were doing your whole house - what are you doing about impedance matching - are you using volume control knobs in specfic rooms or at the system - also - just using swithces or a multi-zone amp...



Audioholic Warlord
Ah... I'm not really doing things on the 'cheap'... But, I am looking for best value on the equipment I buy. I am in the industry so...

I am running somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 separate zones in my house with the primary being the family room which has a dedicated 50" plasma and a 106" screen fed by a Panasonic projector. 5.1 provided by Def Tech (not the ones w/built in subs), and Velodyne HGS. Everything EXCEPT the projector I got a deal on. Projector was just really good Internet pricing from an authoized Panny dealer.

Whole house is handled by Crestron pre-amp (8 zone/8 source) and some combination of Rotel (RMB-1048), Shebourne, and Sonance amplifiers. I will decided later what I think sounds best. Source selection is through 12 button Crestron keypads in each room w/speakers or can be controlled by touchpanels at various locations in the house or via ethernet.

All speakers, wiring, and components were purchased online or directly from the manufacturers. When you work for a company that sells Yamaha or Denon those companies want you to have their equipment in your home to demo, so they give better than cost pricing WITH warranty. It means I can always have the newest receiver in my home and basically after buying it the first time, I never have to buy it again.

Anyway, banana plugs are all Rotel, I am unsure of the wall plates that I am using, but will likely go to one of our suppliers, or online, depending on pricing that I find.

I already have my speaker cable, conduit, and a equipment rack and basically everything else I need... Just waiting on my door camera and that's about it.

Also am sitting on a 12x8 RGBHV switcher that I may end up selling.


In-Ceiling speakers?

hey bmx'er what are you using for In-Ceiling speakers?


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