You may be barking up the wrong tree here.
Mtry and HT Addict hinted at this but I'll come right out with it.
By doubling the amp's power to 200 watts, you will only gain a 3 decible increase in peak loudness. And, 3 decibles isn't a heckuva lot. Quadrupling your power to 400 watts will provide a 6 decible increase, but that's not a lot either considering the financial outlay.
To effectively double the preceived loudness you'll need 10 times your current amp's power. That would put you in the 1000 watt range.
If you want a marked improvement in loudness, I'd be looking at more efficient speakers.
There's where your room for improvement lies. A speaker that is 3 decibles more efficient than another will only need half the power to reach the same loudness. Likewise, a 6 db more sensitive speaker will only need one quarter the power of hte original.
...or else you could just get a bigger subwoofer...
BTW, it's nice of you to clarify the initial postijg after several people asked.