Chick Flicks for Manly Men



Audioholic Field Marshall
OK....I will do it...from a previous thread where I remarked "It appears that we need a thread called "Chick Flicks for Manly Men". The question would be, just what IS a chick flick? Anything from a Jane Austin story or a derivative like Bridget Jones Diary counts, Julie and Julia probably counts, but do the Alien movies?" Do guys ever watch these when they are not with a female partner? If they watch with a female partner, do they like the movies or do they just say they do to keep peace?

Any takers?


Audioholic Samurai
hahahaha this thread title cracked me up. by the way, i was forced to watch julia and julia with my parents (ok i could have refused but wanted to be nice) and it was so GAY.


Audioholic Warlord
hahahaha this thread title cracked me up. by the way, i was forced to watch julia and julia with my parents (ok i could have refused but wanted to be nice) and it was so GAY.
They forced you to watch it?! As in, "Sit down on that couch, young man, and don't get up until the movie is over, or you're grounded!"? :confused:

I haven't seen it, so can you tell me what was so "gay" about it? Just curious...


Audioholic Spartan
I have to watch chick flicks sometimes to be fair to my girlfriend who doesn't always want to watch the same movies as I do, and most of the time they are awful, but every now and then they aren't so bad, but I've yet to see one that I would call good.


Audioholic Spartan
Manly chick flix would be the ones that have half naked hot women in them.


Audioholic General
Me and the GF have an "agreement" I love horror movies (she despises em) so if I rent a scary movie, I have to rent a chick flick and we are both forced to watch em. I am rather surprised by some of the movies I have seen that I would swear I would hate.

by the way I draw the line at "Sex and City 1 and 2" there is no horror movie made that will make me watch either one of those movies. My GF actually wanted me to see "Sex/City 2" on opening night and her argument is that she sees movies likee "Iron Man 2" with me so i should go with her to see this. My response was, "I will be more than happy to escort you to this movie, but want you to know that the first quiet scene of this movie, I am screaming out loud - WHY AREN'T YOU BEYATCHES AT HOME COOKING FOR YOUR MAN!!!! " she knew I would too, so luckily I avoided seeing part 2 with her. :cool:


Audioholic Jedi
I actually didn't think Julie and Julia was bad at all. Would I watch it by myself? No.

Sex and the City - I would have to pass on that one even if there were more than enough nude chicks in it.

My chick doesn't like typical chick flicks either, so i don't get dragged to the theater to watch them. There is no peace to keep, she won't try to force that kind of thing on me not to mention she likes to watch UFC as much as I do.

Just seeing the trailer for the new Twilight movie makes me want to punch someone though.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
I think Sex and the City would be past my boundaries, not only because it's an extreme chick flick, but mainly because everything about it just looks damn dumb. It's one thing to be a CF, but quite another just be a dumb movie about clothes.

On the other side of the argument, my wife is a pretty good sport, is willing to balance the movies and occasionally pulls a surprise, like having HER choice be The Hangover or Get Him to the Greek (she likes those), so I cut her some slack. I guess that's a roundabout way of saying that I probably would never see the CF's unless it was "under duress", but as long as the duress is there, some of them are OK.


Audioholic Samurai
I watched Valentines Day recently.

My problem with chick flicks is that they often feature love and stories that you just can't compete with. Like after a girl watched "The Notebook" it is kind of hard to compete with the walk out with your girl thinking "would this guy build a giant house for me by hand with hopes I'd come back to him?" ...

Valentines Day, on the other hand, wasn't great...but at least the characters were authentically awkward. None of this Shakespearian love psuedo-world.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I watched Valentines Day recently.

My problem with chick flicks is that they often feature love and stories that you just can't compete with....
And probably "cuteness" that no real person can compete with.


Audioholic Slumlord
My problem with chick flicks is that they often feature love and stories that you just can't compete with.
Yeah, kind of like the shared tenderness in this love scene ...

"This is my house and I get to say." I love that line. :D
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Junior Audioholic
There are a few "Chick Flicks" that I have liked. I liked "Legends of the Fall" sure it had Brad riding up on a horse with his hair flowing in slo mo like a shampoo comercial. But it did have some good elements as well, real good in fact. How often do you get to see WWI in a movie? plus there was some good violence and revenge stuff. And the bit with the brothers rivalry was pretty good.

"Notting Hill" was alright. The cast of characters sort of saved that one. I don't know if it counts as a chick flick or not, I don't think so but many wouldn't agree, and that would be "The Princess Bride" I don't care I really like the humor. And a young Robin Wright Penn is about as beautiful a woman as they come. "Socrates...Aristotle....Morons!"


Audioholic Ninja
OK....I will do it...from a previous thread where I remarked "It appears that we need a thread called "Chick Flicks for Manly Men". The question would be, just what IS a chick flick? Anything from a Jane Austin story or a derivative like Bridget Jones Diary counts, Julie and Julia probably counts, but do the Alien movies?" Do guys ever watch these when they are not with a female partner? If they watch with a female partner, do they like the movies or do they just say they do to keep peace?

Any takers?
I love Jane Austen, and am generally displeased in proportion to how much they deviate from the original novels. My favorite version of any Jane Austen story on video is:

If you want films that do romance well, and are appropriate for manly men, you might want to take a look at Hitchcock's films. My wife loves Notorious, which has the hallmarks of a good Hitchcock film, with plenty of suspense to the very end, well photographed and well acted, and with an interesting and believable story. The romance seems far more real than in most films, and it makes me want to say that Hitchcock seemed to understand romance as well as he understood suspense.

(I would say that Hitchcock truly understood romance, except for the stories I have heard about his infatuation with Tippi Hedren, which are very creepy, so maybe he only understood romance in the abstract and academically, but not in real life [if you want to read about that, just spend some quality time googling for it]. In real life, he seems to have appreciated romance about as well as a stalker.)

In most of Hitchcock's films, romance is handled extremely well. Most people don't seem to notice it, though, as they seem distracted by the suspense.

From a quick online search, I see my wife and I are not alone in appreciating the romance in Notorious:

There are quite a few good films mentioned at that link. Sometimes, Google is your friend.

If you can find it, Shanghai Express is an excellent film, with Marlene Dietrich (not to be confused with another film of the same title). I was lucky enough to see it on the big screen at UCLA some years back, and have it on laserdisc. It has never been on DVD or BD (at least not in the U.S.), which is too bad, as it is beautifully filmed, and a great film. The film is still in good condition, so it would look fabulous on BD. I have no idea why it is being held back.


I'm trying to convince the wife Piranha 3D is chick flick. So far she wants nothing to do with it. Perhaps I'll tell her it has that Edward Cullen guy in it.;)


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't know if these are chic flics but these two I enjoyed...

Shakespeare in Love and Immortal Beloved


I don't mind having to watch a chick flick if the movie is actually somewhat of a good movie or has some premise other the being a chick flick.

My wife just got The Time Traveler's Wife. It's certainly not the kind of movie I would find myself looking forward or anticipating to see, but it was a decent movie just to sit down on a quiet night and watch. It wasn't chick-flick-offensive just for the sake of being so... say like Sex in the City is.

There are some others that are good to... that I would think most guys could stomach while at the same time, put yourself over with the wife. When A Man Loves Woman with Andy Garcia and Meg Ryan...good flick. Legends of the Fall... good flick.

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