alandamp said:
Depends on the concentration. No one is going to be using 100% peroxide on any part of their body. However, you could pore a whole bottle of 3% peroxide over an open wound all day and it wouldn't hurt you. 3% is approved as a mouth wash concentration which means it must be okay to ingest.
That is correct. Ask a dentist next time you're in what's the quickest way to whiten your teeth. If they're honest, they'll tell you to brush with H2O2.
I've gargled with it the few times I've had a sore throat, and it's pretty disgusting (it does get rid of the sore throat). That's when I noticed my teeth getting whiter. It's insane how quickly it bleaches your teeth. 3 days tops and you'll see a difference. I don't recommend the taste, but if you have a hot date, or have a reunion coming up, a little bad taste will get rid of years of coffee stains.
If you have excess germs in your mouth, especially on your tongue, the H2O2 will bubble like mad. (It does the same thing in whichever ear your cold starts - resembles the fizzing of 7UP). The product you purchase from the local drugstore is only 3%. For oral rinse, mix with half water, and gargle for 60 seconds - up to 4 times a day. Full strength is too much!