Center Stereo image



Full Audioholic
Thank you! Very helpful!

Is this the connection you are describing?

"Roksan AV Bypass connection- 4. Analogue Inputs- When using the Streaming/ Integrated Amplifier as part of a home cinema system with an AV receiver, the A2 input can be used to drive 2 channels with the AV receiver driving the rest. Here, the AV Bypass mode will need to be turned on and the appropriate RCA outputs from the AV Receiver will need to be connected to A2. When in use, A2 should be the selected input and will have the Mute icon next to it."

This allows me to use the integrated amp we you described- you can also use it as a standalone integ amp and it would also be ideal for multitasking the way you want it to a.k.a as a 2 channel integ amp and and as a poweramp in a multichannel 5.1 application.

I will do a factory reset and see if it corrects the imaging issue. My hunch after playing around with it is that my speaker placement isn't ideal so once I remove the AVR's calibration correction when using the Integrated amp on it's own I lose the center imaging. I may need to 1st correct the speaker placement to get the proper stereo imaging without calibration if possible. I do have some WAF issues around moving the speakers.


Yes, it sounds like your amp did come with such a bypass feature. Hence, if you follow all instructions outlined on your manual for correct usage of that feature, you may not need to buy anything else

A factory reset of the amp could clear any glitches. Follow general guides for optimal imaging w.r.t speaker placement/listening position, i.e. your listening position is equidistant from both speakers, distance between speakers is optimal for imaging, toe-in, etc and see if your issues are resolved.


Audioholic Jedi
Thank you! Very helpful!

Is this the connection you are describing?

"Roksan AV Bypass connection- 4. Analogue Inputs- When using the Streaming/ Integrated Amplifier as part of a home cinema system with an AV receiver, the A2 input can be used to drive 2 channels with the AV receiver driving the rest. Here, the AV Bypass mode will need to be turned on and the appropriate RCA outputs from the AV Receiver will need to be connected to A2. When in use, A2 should be the selected input and will have the Mute icon next to it."

This allows me to use the integrated amp we you described- you can also use it as a standalone integ amp and it would also be ideal for multitasking the way you want it to a.k.a as a 2 channel integ amp and and as a poweramp in a multichannel 5.1 application.

I will do a factory reset and see if it corrects the imaging issue. My hunch after playing around with it is that my speaker placement isn't ideal so once I remove the AVR's calibration correction when using the Integrated amp on it's own I lose the center imaging. I may need to 1st correct the speaker placement to get the proper stereo imaging without calibration if possible. I do have some WAF issues around moving the speakers.

Well that helps clarify some issues. Like a lot of posters your are parsimonious with information. This makes it virtually impossible to help many who seek help.

We are still limited as you have not told us what Roksan integrated amp you actually have. Without that we can be assured your setup is optimal.


Audioholic Jedi
He has one of the Attessa line, mentioned further into the thread than the first post

It seems when using the internals of the Roksan only is when problems occur....
Thanks for that link. I did download the manual. So in non bypass mode, when his Roksan preamp and power amp stages are operative, that unit has very limited balance gain. 1 db, 2 db and 3 db of gain over one channel can be selected. That is very small and only just perceptible. So if he has a strange speaker/room arrangement will not be nearly enough.

With the power of that amp, he will have gained zero in benefit over the receiver amps. He has not gained reliability as he still needs the receiver and now an integrated amp. So to sum up he will have gained zero benefit in quality and reliability. He has just added expense and complication without discernible benefit.

My first remarks, may have been blunt, but honest and to the point. The Audiophool press remains efficient at parting people from their money.


Audioholic Jedi
I think in general there is a lot of voodoo thought out there about what part the amp actually plays in sq, particularly for ss amps. It's definitely the kind of nonsense tweak that the 2ch crowd tend to promote, too. In this case I think the OP has found out already how this thing is just getting in the way.


Junior Audioholic
Thank you all for your assistance. Yes, TLS Guy your remarks were blunt and therefore I ignored the wisdom and experience in them. Some of us OP's have the tendency to think you know what equipment we have which is silly but happens. Thank you for researching the manual. I agree it is not what I need for my system. I will put my system in my signature going forward.

I have sent the Roksan Attessa back and will most likely get a NAD C298 power Amp. I just purchased the Monitor Audio Gold 200's 4 OHM speakers and I want to give them enough umph to play loud.


Seriously, I have no life.
Diplomacy does not seem to be a priority in this forum. Excuse me for asking for advice. I thought that was it was for. I didn't see an expert only sign anywhere. Anybody can trash another's system but it takes a bit more to provide solutions.

If anyone is inclined to assist-The Roksan is connected to the Marantz using the left and right pre outs from the Marantz. The front left and right mains are also connected to the Roksan. When I watch TV I use the Marantz and the Roksan goes into Home theater bypass and powers the left and right main speakers.

When I listen to music I turn on the Roksan only using the front left and right mains. This is where I have the center image issue. If I use the Marantz AVR in HEOS mode using the app on my phone for streaming I get the center image back dead on.
Do you want accurate info, or diplomatic responses?

I'm going to bet that because you're using different equipment for the center and the main speakers, you have delays that are caused by the processing in each since nothing happens instantaneously- you showed this by using only the Marantz. Have you tried reversing the wires on the center channel speaker? If it shifts the image to the right after doing that, it would seem that something is affecting the phase of the signal in the front channels but it's not audio with only the Marantz because they designed around it.

Are you streaming to the system from your phone? Are you using an app that's not available with HEOS?


Seriously, I have no life.
When I use Marantz on my mobile phone, I may have issues with the center image.
The Marantz app should have no bearing on the sound levels from the speakers/channel balance, phase, etc. These can be controlled IN the app, but even if the phone is the source, it won't affect these because it streams in the digital domain.


Full Audioholic
All BluOS devices have a 50ms internal minimum processing latency that can cause lip sync issues, or sync issues if you are streaming from different sources and/or multi-room. There's also additional latency when using Bluetooth as a source.

Note this delay is built-in to all BluOS devices. As far as I'm concerned, BluOS is great for one-room-at-a-time 2-channel streaming audio, but that is all. I would not use it for Home Theater or interactive media.

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