As a practical matter, if anyone wants to know how well the anti-aliasing filter is working at removing the aliased components without resorting to measurements, an effective alternative option exists for a basic analysis: use the following wave file and burn it to a cd:
This file contains a primary signal, similar to touch tone sounds, that will be heard. In the high frequencies, it has a modulating signal. If the anti-alias filter is excessively leaky or a poor resampler is present, a very obvious siren-like whining noise will be most likely heard; this file has spectral distributions/modulations specfically designed to exploit a poor resampler or anti-alias filter.
CAUTION: Turn the volume to low setting: the HF signal is much higher in amplitude as compared to the main(audible) part of the signal and you could be clipping your amplifier without realizing such if you use this file at greater than moderate volume level.
NOTE: Just because you may hear a whine/siren noise does not mean that audible problems will occur with actual music signals. This is a test signal that was specifically designed to make imperfections audible. However, if no whining siren noise is heard, then you can rest assured that the resampler and/or anti-alias filter in your DAC is probably optimal.