Here are some SPL readings I took at 1 meter with sub located as per photo above.
- I used a Realistic (Radio Shack) digital SPL meter model 33-2055.
- I had re-run YPAO prior to readings, and had gain on sub's amp at 11 o'clock.
- The sub's "EQ Level" knob was set to the ZERO mark and other EQ knobs set to min settings.(therefore removing any EQing by the amp)
- Receiver volume was brought close to or at "0".
- I used correction values for the meter found at HTS. No decimals used. (0.5 or higher was rounded up. 0.4 and below was dropped.
Read in 3 columns: Frequency -- Raw SPL reading -- corrected SPL value
Freq --- SPL --- Corrected
16 Hz -- 91 dB -- 104 dB
18 Hz -- 103 dB -- 114 dB
20 Hz -- 109 dB -- 118 dB
22 Hz -- 111 dB -- 119 dB
25 Hz -- 111 dB -- 118 dB
28 Hz -- 112 dB -- 117 dB
31.5Hz-- 110 dB -- 114 dB
35 Hz -- 105 dB -- 109 dB
40 Hz -- 102 dB -- 105 dB
45 Hz -- 105 dB -- 107 dB