can't see "setup" menu on tv when connected to new yamaha receivers



....people here and on the internet are telling me to use the setup menu button for adjusting volumes but my yamaha remote control for several yamaha models 2080, 2085, have no "setup" button. some of the many smaller yamaha receivers I own have remotes with a "setup" button but it only allows me to adjust the subwoofer volumes. this leaves me no choice but to override the yamaha automatic volume setting that results from using the microphone

does ANYONE know why none of the 2020 [new] yamaha receivers can display the "setup" menu on the tv? I'm using the ARC channel for the input signal on the samsung tv and the ARC output from the receiver. My input signals [example my dvd player and my cable box] are going to HDMI on the brand new yamaha receivers....?

WHY DOESN'T YAMAHA GIVE EACH AND EVERY NEW OWNER OF YAMAHA BRAND RECEIVERS.... one call to the yamaha maintenance department sent my a file containing over 400 pages of the "long" yamaha user manual. ...PURE JUNK... probably written by a yamaha employee who did not grow up using the kings English...


Audioholic Jedi
Just use the pdf of the manual.....printed manuals are generally not provided. Use "control f" to bring up a search box. Looks like the setup possibilities start on page 125....


Audioholic Spartan
Make sure you have the TV set to the HDMI(ARC) input when you are trying to use the setup menu of the receiver. You cannot watch a Smart TV app or the TV tuner and get the receiver setup menu to display on the screen. The 2020 Yamaha models do have onscreen setup menus and you can adjust channel levels for every speaker connected to the unit. More information about your model TV and AVR would be helpful.


Audioholic Ninja
It sounds like you have an RXA2080? There’s a button on the 2018/2019 models like RXA2080 on the remote that looks like a gear that is described in the manual as the “setup” button. It’s to the top left of the up down left right buttons.

On the older models like the 2016 RXA2060 it’s called the “On screen” button that gets you to the menu. A gear icon is a common icon for settings.

I believe this will launch the on screen area and you can find manual speaker setup from there.

If you are describing the screen not actually launching then you could have a old hdmi cable or need to look into the “HDMI mode” if it tries to go to on screen and flickers. If it’s not working at all maybe the TV hdmi port and TV hdmi settings may matter. Like was mentioned, what model TV?

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