this page for a thorough comparison and contrast between the x1000 and x2000. The most notable differences are that the x2000 has video upscaling and adds another 2 channels. If running front height surround speakers or upconverting dvd or other lower resolution sources might be in your future (even if distant future), the x2000 is worth the extra 29gbp. As for whether the price will go up again, your guess is as good as mine.
One note about video upscaling: your pc will upscale pretty much everything automatically. So if you use your bdrom drive to play a dvd, for example, your pc will upscale it before it reaches your receiver. Getting lower resolution video to play full screen at the video's native resolution is a severe pain in Windows. So the x2000 upscaling will probably offer no improvement when using your pc as the source.
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