So I have 2 different port options from you guys. So if TLS guy has the optimum port at 13.5 inches then what would be the difference in going with a port that is 15.5 inches annunaki suggests. Would the driver become sloppy?
I was calculating on a final internal volume, and having you add the displacing addition of braces and wood for ports etc. Apparently Annunaki allowed for this.
I have looked at this closely. I think you will end up with around 20% of your final volume being braces etc. So if you have, an actual volume of air of 2.7 cu.ft. in your box the system tunes pretty much optimally. Your final volume will probably end up between 3.1 and 3.5 cu.ft, depending on your bracing and amp.
If that is the case the box tunes optimally with a vent of 2" X 12.5 X 45.75"
This gives you an F3 of 21.9 Hz and a vent velocity peak of 17 m/sec.
So that is my final calculation for you.
Name: 10W3v3
Type: Standard one-way driver
Company: JL Audio Inc
No. of Drivers = 1
Fs = 32.97 Hz
Qms = 7.027
Vas = 32.17 liters
Cms = 0.19 mm/N
Mms = 122.4 g
Rms = 3.61 kg/s
Xmax = 14 mm
Xmech = 21 mm
P-Dia = 209.6 mm
Sd = 345
P-Vd = 0.483 liters
Qes = 0.533
Re = 1.7 ohms
Z = 2 ohms
BL = 8.995 Tm
Pe = 500 watts
Qts = 0.495
no = 0.209 %
1-W SPL = 85.37 dB
2.83-V SPL = 92.07 dB
Box Properties
Type: Vented Box
Shape: Prism, square (optimum)
Vb = 2.7 cu.ft
Fb = 22.94 Hz
QL = 6.68
F3 = 21.88 Hz
Fill = minimal
No. of Vents = 1
Vent shape = rectangle
Vent ends = one flush
Hv = 2 in
Wv = 12.5 in
Lv = 45.73 in