Thanks so much TLS guy for doing that for me. Did you try to model the sub sealed? I know that is what is reccomended for the sub by DLS. It is made for infinite baffle, sealed, or sealed bandpass. I'm not trying to be a pain just curious because I don't know what I'm doing. So should I only give it 200 to 400 watts?
In a closed box it is a car thumper. F3 is high. You could give it probably twice the power in a sealed box as the cone movement is controlled by the air compression. At only 9 mm xmax there is not enough linear motion for Eq.
As has been stated before in these forums, a sealed box will have an F3 above the sub range, and therefore require Eq. This requires a very expensive driver, that can handle a lot of power, with a linear excursion of around 30 mm. That can't be done on the cheap.
So for what you paid you will have a fairly decent budget sub if build the ported design. The driver actually models best in a ported enclosure, but I suspect the manufacturer likes sealed as I'm sure you could destroy this driver easily with too much power in a ported box. I would not give it more than 250 watts, may be even a little less than that.
This is a sealed box with a Qtc if just below 0.7. If you enlarge the box the driver takes less power, and F3 extends barely at all and Qtc falls, so to you it would sound as if it has less bass. Here is the sealed alignment.
Name: OA 12
Type: Standard one-way driver
Company: DLS Audio
No. of Drivers = 1
Fs = 37.8 Hz
Qms = 3.47
Vas = 47.9 liters
Cms = 0.167 mm/N
Mms = 107.5 g
Rms = 7.36 kg/s
Xmax = 9 mm
Xmech = 13.5 mm
P-Dia = 240 mm
Sd = 452.3
P-Vd = 0.407 liters
Qes = 0.57
Re = 3.55 ohms
Le = 1.79 mH
Z = 4 ohms
BL = 12.53 Tm
Pe = 210 watts
Qts = 0.49
no = 0.438 %
1-W SPL = 88.56 dB
2.83-V SPL = 88.4 dB
Box Properties
Type: Closed Box
Shape: Prism, square
Vb = 0.721 cu.ft
Qtc = 0.696
QL = 20
F3 = 65.54 Hz
Fill = heavy
So sealed it is of no use for home HT.
Since you are inexperienced, I'm not going to get into band pass subs. You have to have experience and expertize for those and know their limitations and problems.
I did a quick look with a second order band pass model. F3 is 37, the band width is 60 Hz, so usable frequency range is 37 to 100 Hz. The sub is 18db down at 20 Hz rather than 12 db for the Qb4 model. The only advantage is that you save a bit if volume which is useful in a car as total volume goes down to about 2 cu.ft. However band pass units give up power bandwidth, as only the port is radiating sound and distortion is high for bandpass boxes. Just about acceptable for second order, but not for third and fourth order band pass designs, although Dr Amar Bose does not care about the huge distortion inherent in these alignments. With this alignment driver is absolutely maxed out at a drive power of 200 watts, by xmax limit.