Can a sub cause Tinnitis



Have you tried reconditioning the auditory cortex with a device?
I have tried conditioning, and have been successful to a degree. However, I'm not going to say exactly what I did as it was on my own and without supervision of a professional. If anyone else wanted to attempt to self-treat, it should be considered along the lines of self-medication, and while no controlled substances are used, treatment of this kind is technically done by prescription. I read all the papers I could find, which is tough going if you don't have some medical background, and read the applicable patents. Even so, there is a lot of missing information that is critical to success, for example filter gain and Q, specific time and level for conditioning, and spectrum of conditioning signals (though that could be derived through some careful reading).

I believe that this kind of treatment could become an over-the-counter product some day, but the problem is the patient analysis procedure and analysis equipment would be difficult, expensive, and push the limits of most consumers to handle properly.


I have tried conditioning, and have been successful to a degree. However, I'm not going to say exactly what I did as it was on my own and without supervision of a professional. If anyone else wanted to attempt to self-treat, it should be considered along the lines of self-medication, and while no controlled substances are used, treatment of this kind is technically done by prescription. I read all the papers I could find, which is tough going if you don't have some medical background, and read the applicable patents. Even so, there is a lot of missing information that is critical to success, for example filter gain and Q, specific time and level for conditioning, and spectrum of conditioning signals (though that could be derived through some careful reading).

I believe that this kind of treatment could become an over-the-counter product some day, but the problem is the patient analysis procedure and analysis equipment would be difficult, expensive, and push the limits of most consumers to handle properly.
I am trying to habituate naturally. It is annoying but hey what can you do but ignore it and stay busy with family and kids and most of all with reasonable volume levels keep enjoying HOME THEATER! LOL!

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