Audiosouse said:
I wasn't referring to your post oh conceited one, $5K just sounded good. Why is it even when I'm agreeing you're hostile?
If a name drops in the forest, does anybody hear? How's Stepford by the way? Does it make you feel better to meat-a-hoop about your wipe my a$$ with benjamins gear on a site more pitched to entry level headed bargain hound audio nuts than any other? What type of ego stroking reply are you looking for exactly? Oh Sleesy, you so edumacated. Oh Sleesy, you so rich. Oh Sleesy, you just perfect. Oh Sleesy, I wish I were you. See attached.
BTW, been flat broke since 18 when I met my significant, so I KNOW she loves me!

Didn't need an Escalade and a two way to scoop a six foot blond bombshell (back then anyway

If an audiophile pulls his head out of his ars early, do we get six more weeks of summer? Have you even read the Cable Face Off or ANY receiver review? wouldn't stoop. In case you haven't noticed, the whole point of this site, the sole reason it exists and is thriving is debunking audio myth with scientific fact! Please correct me if I've been surfing in a cave with my Commodore 64.
Now THAT sounds like my wife! LOL! For the umpteenth time, I don't give a rat's what you own, buy, etc. I wasn't commenting on your post. PLEASE READ THE LINES.
LOL. I guess I hit a nerve.
Really though. This is my original post...
"I have wired my 2 channel setup with 2 sets of cables. One set consisted of all Onix blue cables. The other set is a full set of Cardas Golden Reference. Total cost of the Onix cables was about $500. Total cost of the Cardas Golden Reference was well over $5K.
First, let me say that I have no regrets about buying the Cardas cables... they look great mated with my high end pieces. If I had a tighter budget, I might not feel that way, but I wanted to buy at least one complete set of high end cables so I could really judge for myself.
In any case, my conclusion (which was not the result of any rigorous DBT) is that my system sounds the great with either the Onix Blue and Cardas Golden Ref. cables. I can't hear a difference, nor was I really expecting to. I don't think I will buy another set of esoteric cables unless I want more eye-candy for my systems, but I may do so, despite my findings."
5 posts later you come out with:
" Understanding wives
Many who claim to purchase cables for the jewelry factor must have VERY understanding spouses to let you display your systems in the open with wires running all over the place.
This is why the jewelry factor makes me laugh as I spend most of my time trying to hide cables for a clean install. Mind you, if I spend $5K for cables, I'd probably have them backlit displayed under glass."
You say $5K sounded like a good number and that I was being hostile when you were agreeing with me? Who are you kidding? Given the contentious tone of our past discussions, I think it is very clear that your intent was to comment on my post. Are you truly that disingenuous?
And yes, I have read many reviews and articles here.... many of my purchases, including the Parasound C1/A51, Denon 3910 and 5910, Emotiva DMC/MPS-1, etc., are a direct result of information I have received from here. What's your point?
Furthermore, if you would knock that chip off your shoulder for a second, you would realize I discuss many of the value oriented pieces I own as well. Regardless, this is an audio/video site, isn't it? They seem to review some fairly high end pieces here, so why should I only discuss my affordable gear? I'm not going to be an apologist for having some nice toys.