Orlando Brighthouse SA 8300
We have the SA 8300 HDMI/HDCP issue with our HK 745. Tried and tried to get BH to look for their codes. These people are clueless and can only read their manuals.

Even after contacting the SA techs (who were much more knowledgeable and readily admitted to the issue and their work to resolve), gave us the firmware update codes we needed, BH still told us the problem didn't exist but they would send a tech out. When the tech arrived, he was overwhelmed with the system and eagerly began asking questions how the iPod brdige worked, how the 400 DVD player (with HDMI) worked, etc. Naturally, he had nothing to offer regarding the 8300 not working (so we educated him as well).
Consequently, the issue is not covered in their manuals, so it doesn't exist. We have resorted to Component hookup to the HK and now are questioning BH why they should be charging us for the SA 8300 since it does not operate the way it should. They are more open to not charging than resolving the issue. If they don't we are going to keep calling BH and have them send techs out to "fix" the problem that doesn't exist. One way or the other, they are either going to d/l the codes or pay the consequences.
BTW, we have a second SA 8300 in the bedroom hooked directly to the plasma that works great.