For awhile, I've been looking for a pair active noise canceling headphones and I decided that if I got any I would buy the Sony MDR-1000x. (I ended up choosing these because the noise cancellation didn't 'hurt' or annoy my ears like other ones did.)
For me, they're really expensive ($400), so I looked up some used ones for sale on eBay. I found some around $150, which is a good price for me. I was wondering if anyone would discourage me buying them used for some reason.
Part of the reason I don't want to buy them full price is that I wouldn't use them all the time, just every once in awhile for travel. I want to protect my hearing, and when I travel I listen to really loud volumes for extended periods. I thought the noise cancellation would help.
I've looked at Klipsch (S4i and S6i and others) which I've read have great noise isolation. I was considering those too.
Any tips?