Just my two cents worth - I'm coming into this thread a bit late in the game, as it the discussion has already been raging thus far since my last login.
I'm not a big fan of public broadcasting stations myself. I skimmed over the pages of this thread to try to get an idea of what has been talked about, so forgive me if I'm covering old ground here. I will agree that most of the mainstream television that is being shown these days is pure garbage. I have yet to watch a full episode of American Idol, or any other brainless reality TV show. Rarely, if ever, have I tuned in to PBS, so it's absence is likely to go unnoticed by myself. These stations have long suffered from poor budgets, inferior technology (especially in the rise of the digital HD age), and deteriorating program material. Having worked in television stations that have substantial budgets - and helped incorporate the newer technologies that are becoming the standard today, I find it hard to believe that any public broadcast station will be able to compete by the end of this decade, without seeing huge budget increases that will only be passed down to us in the end. So what's the alternative?
The Sesame Street of today is not what it was when I watched it as a small child. Mr. Rodgers has passed away (R.I.P.), and instead you have shows like Barney that came in and further induced the so-called ADHD dilemna in our kids by shoving bright colorful images by their faces at a maddening pace, instead of focusing on actual educational significance (i.e., early Sesame Street, Electric Company, etc.)
My take on this is, if Bush wants to axe public broadcasting, it depends on where the funds will be re-directed, and for what purpose. Even though I don't tune in myself, I am sure there are many who get lots of enjoyment out of the programming public broadcast offers. The article didn't go into this. There may be some good that comes out of it - as with everything, you can only read news media for half the true story, as it will intentionally omit the full picture in lieu of painting yet another negative picture of those in charge, that an ufortunate many (without mentioning any names) readily eat up and use it to further their own ignorant points of view.
Anyway - I digress. Again, I will state that I haven't always believed in everything the Bush adminstration has done - it will be interesting to see how this plays out.