Are there any benefits to designs that use passive radiators?
On that one enclosure recommendation, is there a difference between the performance of the pillar and the cube design?
Yes there are. The tuning is the same principle. The advantage is, it gets round the problem of vent turbulence and noise. The problem is that the passive radiator has to match the design exactly. A manufacturer can build a passive radiator to his exact specifications. There are not a large range of passive radiators to choose from.
The driver they used is only 80 watts with an xmax of only 6mm. I think that driver will reach its mechanical limits when the when the LFE output cuts in with the canons.
I have run the passive radiator alignment for the driver that the kind member selected for you and I ran the ported simulation on this morning. You will see that this driver is unsuitable for passive radiator alignment.
Name: Dayton QT305-4 12" Quatro Subw
Type: Standard one-way driver
Company: Dayton
No. of Drivers = 1
Fs = 27 Hz
Qms = 10.5
Vas = 120 liters
Cms = 0.0913 mm/N
Mms = 380.7 g
Rms = 6.15 kg/s
Xmax = 10 mm
Xmech = 15 mm
P-Dia = 350 mm
Sd = 962.1
P-Vd = 0.962 liters
Qes = 0.37
Re = 3.5 ohms
Le = 2.5 mH
Z = 4 ohms
BL = 24.72 Tm
Pe = 250 watts
Qts = 0.36
no = 0.615 %
1-W SPL = 90.04 dB
2.83-V SPL = 93.6 dB
Box Properties
Type: Passive Radiator Box
Shape: Prism, square
Vb = 2.273 cu.ft
QL = 6.707
F3 = 33.64 Hz
Fill = normal
No. of Passive Radiators = 1
Fs = 8.515 Hz
Qms = 23.49
Vas = 734.5 liters
Cms = 0.398 mm/N
Mms = 878.1 g
Rms = 2 kg/s
Sd = 1140
The cone area is huge at 1140, and the VAS is out of site. The FS of 8.5 Hz, would mean the cone would have to be too heavy.
I would not start out with a passive radiator sub. They are tricky and for the home constructor next to impossible, because looking for the right ABR is like looking for the needle in the proverbial haystack.
As far as the enclosure shape is concerned, it is a little better if it is not an exact cube. If it is then all the refections from the walls are identical and reinforce. So it is better to make HWD different dimensions. I was just pointing out, that it gave you a good idea how to do the bracing.