I'm going to stand up for yepimonfire (Jonathan) here and state that I do not believe he is a troll.
Alex, TLS Guy, Jamie, Isiberian, Swerd, and anyone else accusing him of being a troll just because he started this thread is ignorant to the reason the thread was started. I told him that he should start the thread so he could learn from the responses. Your responses, aside from parts of TLS Guy and Swerds' posts are deconstructive, rude, misplaced, un-called for, and from reading the posts on this thread and other threads he got slammed for it seems this all stems from intolerance toward Jonathan because he posts a lot and he defends his Sony speakers. It's perfectly reasonable for him to defend the speakers he owns, he likes them. I've been talking to him about reducing the amount of seemingly pointless posting like the thread about Klipsch.
What you have to remember is that when I joined AudioHolics I was as about the same age as Jonathan and had about as many pointless and incorrect information spewing from my posts. I learned because I was allowed to stay (thank the admin/mods). Not tooting my own horn, but I'm fairly certain many of you respect my knowledge and helpfulness in certain areas. I'm certainly no expert with speaker design, but I can see that Jonathan doesn't necessarily have all the pieces when it comes to designing and building speakers, but he does genuinely want to learn. He wouldn't have asked if he didn't want to.
All that said, I request that the insinuations that Jonathan (yepimonfire) is a troll come to a close.