for the life of me, I don't understand why velodyne chose to use bare wire connections for it's sms-1 12v trigger - and then nixed the auto sense feature found in all it's subwoofers.
anyway, here I am trying to build a 12v trigger cable, 1/8" jack on one side, bare wire on the other.
here are my questions:
I think I mistakenly bought a 1/8" stereo jack. (or I might just be confused because there are three connectors inside)
Should I have bought a 1/8" MONO jack?
Can I use this stereo jack?
If I can:
there are three connectors inside, one long one for the body (kinda like for a coaxial cable) and two small ones I'm guessing for the ones where the black bars separate the tip.
to which do I connect the + and - wires?
I plan to connect the 1/8" jack to a 12v trigger output, and the bare wires directly to the sms-1. will I burn something out?