A tape measure, painters tape, and a laser pointer are pretty good tools. You can set the Camber, Caster, Toe, base and top cabinet distances right on the money.
You can change the distance somewhat for hearing loss left to right without loosing the imaging.
When you turn the amps up does it increase the floor noise? If not leave them up, if they are noisy, route the cables first and then turn them down
to decrease floor noise. It's usually routing. I clean the pots by rolling them about a 100 times up and down, THEN up until the floor noise increases.
Sometimes pots are noisy. The cool thing 20.00 USD to check or make the improvement. 1/4" at a time. Then decouple ALL the speakers.
NO SPIKES! unless they are on pods, springs or air-ride. Turn it up, enjoy the music. The neighbors won't feel a thing.