Here's my non-technical experience.
About two years ago I picked up a pair of Athena Audition AS-f1's. Out of the box, I noticed just a trace of harshness around the vocal range. I was not too pleased but, having some time to decide wether to return 'em or not, I let 'em play for a few hours while I went about my business.
The next day I turned the stereo on and , lo and behold, the harshness was gone. No DBT, but the same DJ certainly sounded much cleaner. Then , a CD I played before was tried and again, the voices were much smoother.
So, I don't see a problem with giving new speakers a few days to "settle in", but if the manufacturer demands an unreasonable amount of time, like several weeks or several hundred hours, then I'd be a little leary of them.
But, if you don't like the overall sound of the speaker from day one, don't expect miracles. The change I noted was very slight.