is there a problem with leaving the internal amp exposed within the box?
ie. will all the air moving through the box damage the amp? will there be any complications in not enclosing it somewhat?
here is the box i'm currently building, I modified the plans a little and i did not like the rear bracing where the amp sat, so now i'm considering only putting bracing off to the far side beside the amp OR no rear bracing at all, here's some pics for a better look:
so this is the back end of the box, the square cut is where the amp will be sitting within, it will have about 3 inches of clearance from that inner brace to the internals of the amp
this is the inner brace, where i'm going to be drilling holes for the air flow as i did with the magnet brace, so realistically air holes will be facing and the amp and pushing air towards it?
bottom line is, will it cause any problems not having it covered?