I've been looking at the 10" and 12" models, but really know nothing about them. Does anyone have experience with them or opinions on these. There are some good deals out there and I'm looking to upgrade my subwoofer.
Currently, I'm using an Infinity BU-1 sub for a rather large living room (14' X 20' x 10') open on the back to the kitchen and to the left foyer. The couch is situated 10' away from a 50" Panny PH-50TX75U. I run an HDMI cable from the PS3, that serves as BD player, to a Denon AVR-988. Two polk RTi4s and a CSi3 are the on the entertainment center and two Infinity Minuette satellite speakers as surrounds (I want to upgrade them also).
The BU-1 will rattle windows pretty good, but isn't very tight. In fact, it's quite "boomy". I'm not terribly unhappy with it, but have heard a difference with the Velodynes and Klipsch in Magnolia and the BAs and Polks in CC.
65% music // 35% movies.
I'm looking at $200 and below.
Thanks a bunch!