I've never personally owned an audiophile grade sound system. I have heard a wide range of car and home audio from the low end of the spectrum to at least the middle. I have some mid-late 70's (I think) pioneer premiere separates coming my way. Amp, pre amp, tuner and turntable. I believe it is a tube setup (I haven't done much research). They weigh a lot. The amp needs some work. One channel is scratchy. I am going to get the amp fixed and use it for a stereo music listening environment. I'm pretty crafty. I want to make my own speaker cables and do any work I can that will get me better sq for the money. Spending around $500 PR for bookshelf speakers, (limited space) is it worth the time/money/sq quality to go through the steps to build a proper speaker or is there a better choice based on the money issue? ($20usd/hr figured into the build for my personal time) ??? I was looking at svs speakers. A few other internet companies have crossed my mind as well as paradigm and klipsch. I want loud, true mids and highs. I live in an apartment so bass isn't my main priority although extension below 60 Hz would be ideal. I don't want colored or dull sound if possible. I have a feeling the amp is slightly colored and like that side of the spectrum better than dull. I'm stuck, confused and not educated enough to be confident with a decision based on my limited knowledge. I am too far away to audition anything. K horns will blow the foundation of my apartment building open and cost too much. Any help. Please. I am not biased towards or against any one or manufacturer. Any input is appreciated. Thank you for reading and thank you if you respond. This is only my second or third post I think, but I hope my username draws some responses.