Bookshelf Speakers: Axiom M22 or Polk LSi9?



Audioholic Warlord
PWalsh said:
About to purchase 2 channel system for music only. receiver will be Yamaha rx797 2x100W. debating bookshelf speakers, due to space constraints. room is 22 x 20. I have found this website to be a big pusher of axioms - I'm a bit suspicious, but interested. I am considering $1000 worth of speakers - m22's + sub, or Polk LSi9's w/o sub.

the Polks are meant to reach down to 38hz. the Axioms only go to 60hz, and will need subwoofer.

any thoughts on selecting bookshelf speakers? help is much appreciated. The sales folks at Tweeter are all I have for info....

I can't comment on the Axiom speakers.

I can say from experience that the Polk LSi9's are an awesome speaker. And yes they play down deep, real deep. These speakers are very neutral, and the sound is not colored in any way. The highs might be a slight bit forward of neutral, but not much. The LSi9's are also very detailed, and excellent for music, or movies.

You can get deals on the Polk LSi9's for under $500 a pair.


LSi9 bass

I couldn't agree more that the bass response of the 9's seems very dependent on the type of music. I just seem to find that I am satisfied about half the time with the sub off, particularly with most classical selections and much jazz. Then, with some classical (and then into pop, the rare times that I listen to pop) I get the urge to switch on the sub. Regardless, the bass output of the 9's is really surprising, given their size.

sjdgpt said:
I own the Polk LSi 9's as the front mains in my little HT (little as in a converted 11x13 bedroom)

The 9's are great speakers, and yes there is a decent low end to the speakers. (I tried the speakers set at large with the sub filter set at 60Hz and the sub disconnected). The beach scene in Saving Private Ryan is still going to get your attention, but there is something lacking..... oh shucks, I know what it is ..... it is bass. The bass is there, it just doesn't have any humpf to it.... no visceral impact. Add a sub and it is a whole new (scary) world.

My musical tastes do not include a lot of acoustical works (with the exception of Carly Simon and good ole Barbara Streisand), so I am may not be a good judge of the speakers regarding music. On Carly's "Anticipation" the bass is there, it just lacks definition or impact. Comparatively the bass is about the same as those stock 6" woofers in the car doors of my old econo car. It is there, but not really there.

This lack of definitive Low End is the weak point of all bookshelf speakers. A 6" woofer is just not going to move a lot of air. But bookshelf speakers can be more easily placed in a room, which is important in small rooms (such as mine) or for WAF.

As negative as I have been about the LSi 9's without a sub, as free standing, WAF acceptable speakers the LSi 9's will work. The dual 6" woofer design (one woofer and one rolled off at 200hz for a midrange) is going to work well on voice and light music. Play something like "Field of Dreams" or "Shrek" and you will most likely be happy with the speakers by themselves without a sub. I had "Wall Steet" playing for the entire movie with the sub disconnected and never noticed. Next movie on the play list was "Ronin" and yes I did notice the lack of the sub .... at the opening menu of the movie.

Polk does have a little $200 sub that would work well to round off the bottom end of the speakers. The plus side is that the sub is small, the bass output is not tremendous, and WAF demands can be met.

For comparison sake, adding the small sub would be the same as adding 6" speakers to the rear deck of my old econo car. The bass may not have been earth shattering, but finally I could feel some of the bass. Just what Carly is "Anticipating"

My suggestion is to try the Polk LSi 9's at Tweeters and insist the subs be turned off.


update - selected the axioms

thanks for all of the advice - i took my time and went with axioms. just got the m22s the other day. hooked them up to my denon avr-3300 and they sounded great. the new stereo receiver, Outlaw audio rr-2150 is on the way, should be here any day now. once I've got them both connected, I'll spend some time listening ebfore i select a subwoofer.

again, thanks to everyone for their opinions


Junior Audioholic
I replaced my aging JBL PB 12 last winter with an HSU VTF3 and found that there was quite a difference. One of the best purchases I've ever made.:)


Audioholic Warlord
PWalsh said:
thanks for all of the advice - i took my time and went with axioms. just got the m22s the other day. hooked them up to my denon avr-3300 and they sounded great. the new stereo receiver, Outlaw audio rr-2150 is on the way, should be here any day now. once I've got them both connected, I'll spend some time listening ebfore i select a subwoofer.

again, thanks to everyone for their opinions
"Select a Subwoofer"

Let me save you some time, and just get yourself a SVS.


Audioholic Ninja
Living room music

If the small cambridge speakers and sub sound good enough for music, you could move them upstairs and upgrade to Axiom downstairs.

I agree that SVS makes great HT subs, but they tend to be on the large side (low WAF). For a music in the living room application where you don't need to play down to 20 Hz there are other options including the HSU and Onix Rocket subs.


Junior Audioholic
I've been looking around, since I have an open mind and I thought to myself, you can better these m22s. There have to be speakers just as good or better in this price range. :confused: Well, so far I am unsuccessful. Just last week, due to the review I read over at, I home auditioned a pair of PSB b25s. I was thinking that if I liked them, I would purchase the PSB t55 floorstanders. As a result of this home audition the PSBs went back to the store after 3 days, and that if I upgrade my m22s, I'll just stick with Axiom. I found the B25s to be very average. They didn't compare to my m22s at all. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the Axioms, but everytime I hear a speaker with unnatural bass humps and recessed mids it really turns me off. And that's what I heard with the B25.:(


Senior Audioholic
littleb said:
I've been looking around, since I have an open mind and I thought to myself, you can better these m22s. There have to be speakers just as good or better in this price range. :confused: Well, so far I am unsuccessful. Just last week, due to the review I read over at, I home auditioned a pair of PSB b25s. I was thinking that if I liked them, I would purchase the PSB t55 floorstanders. As a result of this home audition the PSBs went back to the store after 3 days, and that if I upgrade my m22s, I'll just stick with Axiom. I found the B25s to be very average. They didn't compare to my m22s at all. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the Axioms, but everytime I hear a speaker with unnatural bass humps and recessed mids it really turns me off. And that's what I heard with the B25.:(
Have a listen to the Ascend Acoustics CBM-170SE for a good comparison or upgrade, or certainly the CMT-340SE for an upgrade.

I have heard the "classic" CBM-170 and the M22 side by side, and perferred the 170...but they were close. I did not like the highs of the M22 as much as the 170, especially at higher volumes.

Personally, I do not think you can beat internet direct for bang for the buck.

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