Hate to be the one to break it to you, Jeff, but speaker preferences are very subjective. There's specfications and other criteria that can be used to determine the value of a speaker, but whether one deems a speaker "good", "good for the money" or "good for the price range", this is all in the eye of the beholder.
Many of the suggestions that several of us have offered are excellent values, meaning an exceptional speaker for the money spent. If you want the "best of the best" based on how much money you spend, plan on opening up the wallet for Krell, Dynaudio, JMLab, Revel, Totem and Vienna Acoustics to name a few that will be in the neighborhood of $1,000-5000 a pair, possibly more.
Will these speakers sound 5-10 times better than some of the suggestions provided? It's possible, but doubtful. I'm sure some self-proclaimed audiophile snobs will argue otherwise, as there are lots of people that believe you only get what you pay for and you have to spend an extraordinary amount of money in order to get an extraordinary pair of speakers, but there's little truth in this. -TD