Now it becomes a question of what yo want here.
If you want a CD player then those new hi-glitz formats are a moot point.
If you want to use it with a new AVR to avail yourself of them then it will.
But, to be honest, I don't have them and don't really miss them. plain old DD/DTS still sound stunning.
FWIW, I use a Denon 1940CI, a pre-blu ray universal player, as a dedicated CD/SACD player, and a separate $100 Sony $100 ray player.
Note the date on the review.
New blu-ray players, with access to the new hi-glitz formats are a dime a dozen, almost literally. ...but no analog outputs.
Of course, there's always the Oppo line and they are well within your specified max of 3500 and they do everything you want.