No debate here Jonny, I was wrong to insult the craft of acting.
However, I do stand behind that entertainment (acting and sports) are overvalued in modern society. But I certainly can't say that either are not difficult crafts to ply.
I think this is because you haven't really honestly compared it to other industries. The best engineers make far more than most athletes. And considering that only 1% of Division 1 Athletes even make it to the pros I would say they are definitely not paid too much. They work very hard to be that good. Then there is the physical sacrifice they make to play the games we love. How much would you let someone break your arm for? Think about that. Multiply several times.
How many actors really do that well? Probably less than 1000. That's is a very small number. Again the best of the best make it.
I can guarantee you there are a lot of people that make far more than athletes and actors in other industries.