Bit Bullet on VTF-3 MK2



Wholly crap.. Yeah, juices are flowing.....

Sub level at notch 3 behind sub (gain knob), crossed over at 80hz on receiver, -7.0 on receiver (sub trim), its in 1 port plugged mode, and -28 on volume control. Threw in 1 song, Justify My Love (Madonna) And the bass is superb, fantastic, mindblowing, etc... Man this thing extends.....

I would be scared (seriously) to put the volume up to -15 with the above settings. Blends perfect with the Acoustech mains.

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
That's a great looking sub. Don't break's not under warranty :D

Let me know when you want to sell it.



Audioholic Ninja
EEEK!:eek: :eek: Brian, get that Coke can off of there. LOL.



Ok, I have only listened to this thing for about an hour.
My initial thoughts are that this sub is quite musical, but great for HT as well.
Superb extension...

Some songs I briefed through with excellent bass.

Madonna - Justify My Love
Falco - Der Kommisar
Enrique Iglesias - Escape
Mariah Carey - Fantasy
Evanescence - Wake Me Up Inside (Bring Me To Life)
Moby - Green Sally Up (Flower)
Metallica - Battery
The Eagles - One Of These Nights
Eminem - Slim Shady

As of now, I have only viewed one movie scene.
Terminator 3 'Chase scene' Particulary when he is on the fire trucks hook, and crashing through the dept. store. It played sounds that I had not heard before, obviously lower extension sound. With the settings I said in prior post, the sub at this low volume does seriously shake the foundation on my concrete floors (well concrete under my wood floors) Once again, the gain knob is only at 3.
(EDIT:: The clarity of the bass is unbelievable)

Next viewing will be DTS Demo #9 disc...
And more movies to come.

Obviously, I will need a few days to get the full effect from this. So this is just initial thoughts.

I did so far seem to like it best cut at 80hz with LFE output. I tried 100hz and 50hz. 80 seems best so far. Also I will get into using the subs crossover, but more time than an hour will be needed ;)

The bass is by no means muddy, and it has blended in well with my mains.
Since I have played around with placement options with other subs, I kinda already had the main idea where to place it. And it seems to work well there.
It is placed in the front soundstage area in between the center and right main. The front mains are about 10' apart. No its not corner loaded, I tried corner loading before and did not get a good response. But anyhow, it is placed about as right as can be in my room. Which is about 19.5x13x8. I still have to pull the port plug, and test many options that way as well. For me, I have a feeling since I listen at lower volumes, that I will prefer the lower extension with the port plug in.

In about 3 days time, I will be able to give a better description.
But, I will leave on saying this. If you can afford one - THEN BY ALL MEANS GET ONE.
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Brian, do you have Eagle's "Hell Freezes Over" CD? The "Hotel California" track on that CD is one of my favorite demo tracks.

The opening scene with the percussion drum, given the right setup (your Hsu sub) is just amazing, beyond words, beyond mortal comprehension, etc. You get my gist.:D

If you have the CD, play it, and tell us how it sounds on your system.


No on the CD, But I do have the DVD version;) And will give it a try.


Audioholic Samurai
.....The Eagles...."You Can't Hide Your Lyin' Eyes"....mercy, the group was really cooking as a whole, when they hit that last chorus....

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Glad to hear you are as impressed as I am with mine! Thought you would love it. Man, the rosewood is nice! The biggest problem I have is working way too much this week and going out of town this weekend. It will be next week before I really get some time getting acquainted with mine.:( Biscuits! Oh, well, as long as I don't get a ticket speeding home to be with her it's all good.
Enjoy and congrats!!!!

BTW, what size is your room?


Audioholic Ninja
More updates, damn you! You can't be rumbling your nieghbors' homes THIS late...:D


Added pic of H100 on top and next to HT-75....
Sorry for the blurry pic, its dark in here at the moment.




And by the way Brian, what kind of mains do you have? Looks like you have a set of Klipsch.


jaxvon said:
He has the BIC Acoustech HT-75 mains.

Really? I can swear that main looks like the Klipsch reference line. BIC must really have changed the looks of its speakers. Then is that really a horn?

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