This is somewhat unconventional, but I recently started using my bi-amp setup to drive four front speakers. My theater setup was a 7.3.4 configuration with flagship Klipshorns in the front position. In addition to the theater configuration, I just love two-channel listening sessions. The Khorns shine there too. I remember years ago reading about how Paul Klipsch meant for his Klipshorns to work in concert with a center speaker to complete the sound stage. I think he started with a Heresy and ended with a Cornwall configuration.
I wanted to experiment with this, but my center speaker is a Klipsch KV-4. It is a hard to find and great sounding center channel, but is no where near a match for Klipshorns. I had two Klipsch Tangent T-50 speakers sitting in another room. These were the flagship Tangent speakers in the late 1980’s and were mainly sold overseas to our fighting men and women in the service. Again, these are hard to find and really sound great, but they can and do match up with the Khorns nicely. I wanted to use them in my front sound stage for both theater and two-channel listening. And, since bi-amping uses two amplifiers in my receiver while producing identical output, I thought I would try to use the T-50’s as the bi-amp channels. The results were quite astounding as the T-50’s complemented the Khorns and completed the sound stage better than I could have imagined. I believe the key is the Khorns sensitivity is 104db and the T-50’s are 98db. So, when I set up the acoustic levels, the T-50’s produce the same sound as the Khorns but at a lower volume due to their lower efficiency. I’ve switched the bi-amp setting on and off over and again to hear the difference and am convinced the T-50’s add to the quality of the sound and not just more sound. The amplifier (Yamaha RX-A3050) has no problem driving the 9 speakers and the Atmos speakers are driven by a Yamaha RX-A3030. Even though I am sold on the configuration, I would appreciate other’s opinions and criticisms on using the bi-amp channels to complement the main speakers.
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