Best way to connect a NAD c320 to a SW-150 sub



Hello all,
please can somebody tell me the best way to connect my Wharfedale SW150 subwoofer to my NAD 320. The manual recommends 2 ways of doing this.
1. split the preamp out to the line in via a "Y" splitter with one cable going to the NAD main amp and the other going to the sub line in.
2. take the preamp line out to the sub line in and then line out from the sub back into the NAD main amp.
My question, is a "Y" splitter with 3.5m of cable (solution 1) better than feeding the main amp with 7m of hi fi cable (solution 2)? I know there will be some deterioration in the signal either way. So which gives you the best sound quality? Any help much appreciated,:)


Audioholic Overlord
Does the subwoofer send only the highs back to the main amp? If so, do you want that? ...or do you want your mains to run full range

Of course, trial and error is the best way to answer your question.


Hi markw,
thanks for the swift reply. Mains to run full range please, although I can only go by the manual I believe that is what the line out feed gives you. However even in the manual info is scant. My main concern is the sound quality and the wear and tear on the NAD if any from the increased resistance to the preamp and signal deterioration by the time it's fed back into the main,


Audioholic Samurai
Mains to run full range please, although I can only go by the manual I believe that is what the line out feed gives you. However even in the manual info is scant.
I can't think of a sub that actually has a line-level high pass filter. I don't see any reason to run the signal to the sub and back, so use setup option #1.

My main concern is the sound quality and the wear and tear on the NAD if any from the increased resistance to the preamp and signal deterioration by the time it's fed back into the main,
Don't sweat it. Use option one, and decent quality (not expensive) wires that are intact, and you shouldn't have any problems. Keep 'em as short and direct as possible. For long runs, if you have to do it for some reason, use shielded coax. NAD pre-outs won't be stressed, even feeding longer runs or multiple amps, but the greater the distance, the more crap can be picked up along the way.

The only issue I foresee is running your main speakers full range may stress them if you're really blasting it. If they're capable of getting as loud as you need without difficulty, you're ok. If they're ported bookshelf speakers, be very careful.


Thanks for your intriguing answer ski2xblack. I was wondering how running the cable through the sub changes things, specifically where you say,
The only issue I foresee is running your main speakers full range may stress them if you're really blasting it.
Please could you explain a bit more.


Audioholic Samurai
I was wondering how running the cable through the sub changes things...
Based on what you wrote above from the sub's manual, it's unclear, and presumably nothing.

Please could you explain [the bit about stressing your speakers] a bit more.
Depends on how capable your speakers are, how loud you listen, etc.

With the system as described so far, your speakers will be seeing a full range signal, which they may struggle with at high volumes. If you're not trying to recreate the spl of a live marching band or a Metallica concert, and/or your mains are sufficiently capable, it could be a non-issue. Need to know more about your system and listening habits to say for sure.


Audioholic Samurai
If they're ported bookshelf speakers, be very careful.
To clarify this part, ported speakers will exhibit excessive cone motion without any increase in output below their resonance freq. The drivers and the ports become out of phase below that point. Sending such a speaker a bass heavy, loud signal can tax them beyond their limits (which is easy to do when you get a new sub in the picture, and no way to high pass your mains, particularly if they're small). Since you, Aarrd, are in exactly that position now, just thought I'd mention it. Don't ask how I know.:eek:


Thanks for your help ski2xblack. My setup is as follows:
NAD C320
Cambridge Audio 540p
Gemini XL-600
Rio Volt
Denon DRW-760
iPod classic
Wharfedale SW-150 Sub
JR 149


Audioholic Samurai
Those old JR speakers look pretty interesting. Nice system!

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