It really doesn't, unless you're saying that you prefer compressed dynamics. A well designed multi driver tower should have just as balanced tonality as a well designed bookshelf, and should have just as stable a stereo image too.
What I meant was that i wanted a speaker that could fill the room without being so large that it physically took all the space of the room. My ideal speaker is one that I can hear and feel but doesn't visually distract from the music or movie, that I can forget that it's there.
Sound quality without question is 98% in the domain of the speaker you are playing back on.
Get a $400 receiver with all the latest formats and pre-outs. Get a 3 channel amp for driving the mains (left/center/right channels). Figure about $1100 for the budget on this.
Spend $100-150 on a BR player and the rest on speakers.
Yeah it looks like I need to redistribute my funds. I've been overseas for the last 2 years and it's probably been a good 4 years since I was seriously looking at upgrading my HT. My last setup was a sony receiver with Polk satalites and sub.
I had a place back in San Diego that had Paradigms and B&Ws that I listend too a fews times. They were different setups in different rooms, but I just remember liking the Signature and studios just as much as the higher priced B&Ws. Now I know a lot has changed in the last 4 years and I've been getting most of my info from reviews.
It sounds like most people are recommending a cheaper reciever with an amp to power the fronts. My priority is sound quality. In fact I'd rather start 2.1 or 3.1 with an incredible soundstage and upgrade with surrounds as the money comes in. So if I up'd by budget for speakers to $4k for fronts, center, and sub, would that changed any of the recommended speakers? I know this is now starting to change the topic of the thread and I appreciate the patience for the noob.