Best Movie sound effect



Hi Guys,
What movie in your opinion is a good movie to test and appreciated your surround sound.


Senior Audioholic
Master and Commander and U571 are classics I use.


Audioholic Jedi
Search should turn up a dozen or so threads like this.

Blade II, Batman Begins, Ratatoullie, House of Flying Daggers (Echo game).

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I recommend The Haunting. There are always things going on all around you that add to the creepiness.


Audioholic Jedi
The Haunting is a good one - but make sure you look for the DTS-ES version (this was the first DTS-ES movie), it is better than the DD version.


Audioholic Chief
The Haunting is a good one - but make sure you look for the DTS-ES version (this was the first DTS-ES movie), it is better than the DD version.
I was at Best Buy looking for this. I couldn't find it. What year was it released? Is The Haunting it's full name? Because I've seen An American Haunting and The Haunting of Hill House.


Junior Audioholic

For bass Cloverfield. IMO it surpasses movies like WOTW, Master and Commander, and The Haunting in the LFE department. Throughout the whole movie the bass is just crazy.


Audioholic Jedi
I was at Best Buy looking for this. I couldn't find it. What year was it released? Is The Haunting it's full name? Because I've seen An American Haunting and The Haunting of Hill House.
I am fairly certain the DTS-ES disc is out of print; not sure about the DD version. You may have to pick it up used; I picked up a spare for $9 when a local shop went out of business. Released in 1999. This is the one:

Hopefully they will release it on BD :)
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Audioholic Jedi
For bass Cloverfield. IMO it surpasses movies like WOTW, Master and Commander, and The Haunting in the LFE department. Throughout the whole movie the bass is just crazy.
WOTW was overdone. M&C was not and has some of the cleanest bass I've heard and I am eagerly awaiting the BD release. Surprisingly, you need a pretty good sub that goes fairly low to get the full experience of the ship battle. NOTHING tops The Haunting :D "Coming Mother" is possibly the only scene that the bass ever actually scared me half to death with sound alone (in the bass department, the DD version doesn't even come close to the DTS-ES ver).

Pan's Labyrinth is very good, but it didn't blow me away. The sound is well done, though I couldn't point to a specific scene that stood out in terms of best surround.
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Senior Audioholic
If you want good surround use here are three I recommend. I'm sure if you did a quick search on the forum you would find plenty of threads about this same thing.

  1. Children of Men
  2. Serenity
  3. Master and Commander


Hmmmmm??? What about such greats as Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Star Wars, The Fifth Element and others. I personally think they are great movies and every one of them have their quiet moments and their action packed moments...from soft sounds to loud bass:)

Star Wars - Pod race with Annikan Sywalker is one of the best scenes.

Matrix - Bank scene when he goes to save Morpheus loud guns give off the bass and shells hitting floor in slow motion gives off the soft tones.

The Fifth element - Like Star Wars anything to do with speeding throughout the galaxy in the flying cars they have and the explosion in the end in space.

Lord of The Rings - All the fight scenes rock but then the soft tones come out during dialogs and the LOTR music playing in the background.

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