I think you are misunderstanding my post. Or, maybe I was so worked up; I didn't communicate myself very well.
There is a difference between going into multiple stores to make an informed purchase or research a future purchase and going into multiple stores to gather intel (basically loitering and playing around) while never having even an inkling of an idea to actually spend money there. Maybe that wasn't the original poster's intention, but don't get pissed if the store wants to help you to buy something.
Many people have the idea in their head that they are going to buy online because they can save a little $. They have every right to do so. EVERY RIGHT! I have bought things online before myself. But you are wrong for complaining that the employees of whatever store you are in are trying to offer you help. The stores are there to sell you something. Not to sell something or help you make an informed purchase online from someone else’s website. If the store doesn't earn your dollar, then of course don't spend it there. But if they have the products you want, if they let you come in and listen, if they are there to answer your questions and support you after the sale, if they are priced in the ball park, etc, etc. than I'm asking why NOT buy from them?
And yes, if you are the guy who goes into BB, CC, HHGregg, or wherever and sits there bristling at the people working because they ask you if you want help... you are getting laughed at behind your back. Especially if, as the original poster did, you act like a jerk and go off on them. He's a 19 year old kid trying to do his job for Christ's sake. If you are respectful to people then of course you will usually be treated likewise. But, if you’re a weirdo who seems imbalanced, you’re going to get ripped.
If you look at any of my previous posts, I turn my nose up at no one, respect other people’s findings and ideas, am open to learning about new audio experiences, and hate audio snobs. I'm also extremely happy to do a system on even the most modest budget. Even if someone purchases from the web we will install their equipment. I don't have hate for the web shoppers. I just dislike the users who waste other people’s time with no intention of buying from them.