A recent visit at Best Buy reminded me once again why I boycott them. Occasionally I will visit the store because it's the ONLY audio/video store in this town of 50,000 people (rural-dying-a-slow-death-outmigration-crisis-North Dakota) and I want to see/feel/touch the latest products, although not by any means full of "higher-end brands".
I went to Best Buy to see a few upscaling DVD players and to look at getting a spare cheapo Yamaha receiver for my bedroom. In the 30 minutes I was in the store I counted, knowing I'd get a lot of it, EIGHT (8) salesman asking the Best Buy Corporate required saying "Are you finding everything okay?"... "YES, I am just browsing, thank you"....then the additional required "Okay, just let me know if you have any questions".
So here I am trying to avoid eye contact and weave in and out through various departments incognito as to not be bothered. With the 8th salesman asking me, I replied "You know, I have been bothered with that question 7 times already. If I need anything from you, I can ask. Thank you for your concern, however I do not want to be bothered every 30 seconds I turn to a different area of the store." The young 19 year old kid was shocked that I said that... given that this is supposed to be 'friendly' North Dakota.
End of rant.